Monday, August 30, 2010


By: Lisa Gartner

A Department of Education e-mail sent
Wednesday encouraged workers to join
Education Secretary Arne Duncan,
above, at a rally led by the Rev. Al Sharpton.
President Obama's top education official urged government employees to attend a rally that the Rev. Al Sharpton organized to counter a larger conservative event on the Mall.

"ED staff are invited to join Secretary Arne Duncan, the Reverend Al Sharpton, and other leaders on Saturday, Aug. 28, for the 'Reclaim the Dream' rally and march," began an internal e-mail sent to more than 4,000 employees of the Department of Education on Wednesday.

Sharpton created the event after Glenn Beck announced a massive Tea Party "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where King spoke in 1963.

The Washington Examiner learned of the e-mail from a Department of Education employee who felt uncomfortable with Duncan's request.

Although the e-mail does not violate the Hatch Act, which forbids federal employees from participating in political campaigns, Education Department workers should feel uneasy, said David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian Cato Institute.

"It sends a signal that activity on behalf of one side of a political debate is expected within a department. It's highly inappropriate ... even in the absence of a direct threat," Boaz said. "If we think of a Bush cabinet official sending an e-mail to civil servants asking them to attend a Glenn Beck rally, there would be a lot of outrage over that."

Russ Whitehurst, director of the liberal-leaning Brookings Institution's Brown Center of Education Policy, said nothing like this happened when he was a Department of Education program director from 2001 to 2008: "Only political appointees would have been made aware of such an event and encouraged to attend."

Officially, Sharpton's event commemorated the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

"[Conservatives] think we showed up [to vote for Barack Obama] in 2008 and that we won't show up again. But we know how to sucker-punch, and we're coming out again in 2010," Sharpton said.

Obama avoided comment on Saturday's dueling rallies, but Duncan took the podium alongside Sharpton and 30 other speakers on the football field of Dunbar High School. Thousands of mostly blacks listened -- and a lone man booed -- as Duncan called education "the civil rights issue of our generation."

"Educators, we have to stop thinking of [poor-performing children] as other people's children," he said.

Speakers at the Sharpton rally praised Obama and took jabs at the Tea Party.

"Dr. King gave us a miracle in 2008. He gave us the first African-American president, and we must let them know today that we support [Obama]," said John Boyd, Jr., president of the National Black Farmers Association.

D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton said Beck's rally "would change nothing. ... We will move right over you."

Education Department spokeswoman Sandra Abrevaya defended Duncan's decision. "This was a back-to-school event," she said.

Duncan was chief executive officer of Chicago Public Schools for seven years before Obama nominated him in December 2008.


MSNBC Host Attacks Beck and Crowd at Rally as Old, White, Racist

MSNBC's Ed Schultz said the crowd at Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally was "Old white angry McCain Palin leftovers who just can't seem to stomach the fact that we have a black man in the White House."


Media Matters Honcho Points Out Lack of Racism at Beck Rally; Attacks Tea Party as Racist Anyway

ERIC BURNS, MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA: "I think the rally on TV that we saw this Saturday may have been the only instance where there wasn’t something racist going on with the Tea Party and Glenn Beck at least from what I’ve seen. You know obviously we’ve seen there was the last year and a half rallies with you know with really horrific racist hate filled violent inducing signs."


CNN Host Calls Obama ‘Cotton-Picking President’

Something tells us that if Sean Hannity made this innocent slip it would have far-reaching implications about the "disturbing racial rhetoric" from the right. In this case, Rick Sanchez will get the appropriate pass.


Divisive Signs, Rhetoric on Display at Sharpton Rally

It appears that Al Sharpton's "Reclaiming the Dream" rally focussed more on Sarah Palin and Glenn beck than it dead on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.

On the same day as the "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington DC, Al Sharpton led a march and rally to the site of the future MLK Memorial. It is truly amazing to consider the fact, as brought out by one speaker, that all other memorials in DC are for Presidents, yet MLK, as a civilian, had incredible influence on America, and will receive this one-of-a-kind honor. The presentation and signs at this rally focused on attacking Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, but not exclusively; there were unifying aspects to the rally as well. However, this footage speaks for itself, and overwhelmed the positive message.

Al Sharpton did not give a speech at this featured part of the event, because he had spoken before the march, and the heat's effect on the crowd was a concern, so the rally was shortened. Even though he was present for this entire event, the only part of this video directly from Sharpton, is a brief chant he led.


Obama Blames Bush for Economy… Again

The President overcame a malfunctioning sound system to hammer home his most consistent talking point on the state of the economy. Even though the people gathered could not apparently hear his remarks, the President verified that the press could hear him, so he continued.


Embedded With Taliban: Journalist Presents Enemy’s Side of the Story as They Attack US Soldiers

Journeyman Pictures: "Though they would eventually kidnap him, the Taliban granted journalist Paul Refsdal unprecedented access. This exclusive documentary shows us a side of the Taliban that we have never seen before."


Former UK MP Captured on Video Fundraising for Hamas in a US Mosque

Former UK MP George Galloway and three-time felon Mahdi Bray of the Muslim American Society’s Freedom Foundation were caught on video raising at least $55,000 for Hamas.


Muslim Soldier Refuses Deployment: Won’t be Part of Any War “U.S. Army would conceivably participate in”

By Selwyn Duke

Twenty-year-old Naser Abdo joined the U.S. Army more than a year ago.  Now that it’s time to be sent to Afghanistan, however, he’s having second thoughts.  He is refusing deployment, claiming conscientious-objector status.

Has Pfc. Abdo suddenly developed an aversion to all war?  Hardly.  Here are his reasons, as reported by WSMV Nashville:
he said he now believes Islamic standards would prohibit his service in the U.S. Army in any war.

According to documents provided to The Associated Press, Abdo cited Islamic scholars and verses from the Quran as reasons for his decision to ask for separation from the Army.

"I realized through further reflection that God did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army would conceivably participate in," he wrote.

. . . "This is not about proving a point; it's about maintaining true to my Islamic faith and maintaining true to the American values," said Abdo.
Now, I would have a bit of a problem with any soldier who, after enlisting in the military, using resources during the course of his training and collecting a salary, suddenly has pangs of conscience when it’s time to do the job for which he voluntarily signed up.  But, as Fort Campbell (where Abdo has been assigned) representatives have said, they “recognize that even in our all-volunteer force, a soldier’s moral, ethical and religious beliefs are subject to change over time.”  Thus, if Abdo had become an across-the-board pacifist, I might be able to manage a smidgeon of sympathy.  (I would, however, still expect him to be required to pay back every cent the army expended during the course of his training.)  But a change to a mindset that “would prohibit his service in the U.S. Army in any war” is a different matter altogether.  And, although it’s hardly necessary, let’s place this in further perspective.

Since Muslims have been known to war against and kill one another, it doesn’t seem that the problem is simply a matter of fighting other Muslims.  Rather, it appears it’s a matter of fighting Muslims on behalf of America, our little corner of Dar al-Harb.  It seems that Abdo is taking the typical Islamist position that he won’t participate in a war waged by infidel America — only one declared by Allah.

This is a treasonous attitude, as Abdo has served notice that his allegiance doesn’t lie with our nation.  And we have to wonder, if he believed that Allah declared a war against the U.S., would he become a domestic terrorist? 

Common sense dictates that Abdo should not be deployed to a war zone, as someone harboring his beliefs would be a danger to fellow soldiers, if only because he cannot be relied upon to execute his duties.  But he doesn’t qualify for conscientious-objector status, either.  Note that the Department of Defense (DOD) instruction on conscientious objection states that to qualify for the status an individual must sincerely object “to participation as a combatant in war in any form.”  The DOD then elaborates:
3.5. War In Any Form. The clause "war in any form" should be interpreted in the following manner:

3.5.1. An individual who desires to choose the war in which he or she will participate is not a Conscientious Objector under the law. The individual's objection must be to all wars rather than a specific war.
Obviously, Abdo doesn’t object to “war in any form” — just the American form.  As for the unstated “American values” he mentioned, I hope we resurrect the almost lost American value of accountability in his case.  This would mean forcing him to repay the Army its investment in him and giving him a nice long stretch in a very American prison.


7,000 American High School Students Drop Out Every Day: 1 every 26 seconds

By Frosty Wooldridge

John Wayne said, “Life is tough; it’s tougher if you’re stupid!”

An incomprehensible 42 million Americans cannot read, write or perform simple math. Another 50 million Americans cannot read past the 4th grade level.  (Source: National Right to Read Foundation)

The Foundation reported, “According to current estimates, the number of functionally illiterate adults is increasing by approximately two and one quarter million persons each year. This number includes nearly 1 million young people who drop out of school before graduation, 400,000 legal immigrants, 100,000 refugees, and 800,000 illegal immigrants, and 20 percent of all high school graduates. Eighty-four percent of the 23,000 people who took an exam for entry-level jobs at New York Telephone in 1988, failed.”

NBC anchor Brian Williams reported that 1.2 million teens hit America’s streets every June unable to read or write.  Detroit, Michigan epitomizes this country’s educational dilemma: 76 percent dropout/flunkout rate.  Dozens of cities across the country suffer 50 to 60 percent dropout rates.

CNN reported on August 30, 2010, “7,000 American high school students drop out every day; one every 26 seconds.”

Everywhere in America, we enjoy food-filled grocery stores, roads, homes and schools. In America, most cities function and the majority of people enjoy happy lives—or at least the opportunity to enjoy fulfilling lives. 

Do you ever wonder why countries like Morocco, Pakistan, Mexico, Sudan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Congo—all third world countries—suffer human misery and failures on enormous scales?  Why do 18 million third world citizens starve to death annually? (Source: World Health Organization)  Why does India allow 1,000 children under 10 to die of dysentery, diarrhea and other water-borne diseases DAILY?   (Source:  Why have 12 million Mexicans illegally ventured northward into the United States and Canada seeking a better life?  Why does Asia feature a $7 billion annual people-smuggling trade to Western countries? (Source: Forbes Magazine)

The one word that defines third world countries:  mass illiteracy! 

America faces a predicament more profound than anything ever in the 234 year history of this republic.  A republic demands an educated populace. Without an educated citizenry, America cannot expect to remain a viable “people-driven” republic.  Why?  With continued mass illiteracy, a permanent underclass will become intractable.  Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison and George Washington understood the need for education.  The ‘common man’ makes a republic possible according to Thomas Jefferson.  Without an ‘educated’ common man, our MOST extraordinary self-governing U.S. Constitution, only 234 years old, cannot and will not function much longer.

One reader said, “Huge government and government entitlement programs is a fundamental problem that affects everything. And, to top it off, the taxpayer base is now closing in on a tipping point where more people do not pay income tax as compared to how many do pay.”

As a teacher for 20 years, I watched our country move from affirmative-action grading in our schools in the 1970s to affirmative-action high school diplomas.  Once students discovered they could get something for nothing, they milked the system via affirmative-action jobs.  Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society”  allowed anyone that could muster little to no effort—could enjoy maximum financial reward—as long as someone else covered by working twice as much.

Today, this country’s inner cities thrive on food stamps for 41.1 million recipients,  assisted housing, free breakfasts and lunches for ‘at risk’ children.  Over half of all children suffer no father and an illiterate mother. 

Back on the world stage, illiterate and destitute mothers birth an added 77 million new babies annually. They birth SO many children, no third world country can manage to educate those children. Thus, mass illiteracy begets mass human population growth that feeds into more human misery on scales heretofore unknown to humanity.

As the CNN report illustrated, only one to two percent of Blacks and Hispanics make up the teaching ranks in America. Without any role models, American minority youth drop out at 7,000 young boys and girls every day.

Can America withstand this accelerating illiteracy epidemic?  Can it survive the multiplication of ghettoes, unwed mothers, welfare, crime and drug addiction?  At what point does the fabric of America shred into the hopelessness of the third world.  For answers: visit LA, Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Houston and any other large city where gangs, graffiti, crime and drugs dominate.

With a new permanent, illiterate sub-class in America that grows too fast to solve, at some point, we will not be able to save ourselves from unraveling as a civilization.


Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it" to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.


August/28/10 has come and gone!

Thank God that nightmare is finished! Those Tea Party/extreme-religious-fanatics are done vandalizing Washington D.C. The left can breathe with relief because it is over.

Unfortunately, the taxpayer’s are left with the expense of cleaning-up the atrocious vandalism perpetrated by the totally out-of-control right-wing gangs which turned-over cars, burned innocent people’s homes, beat-up blacks and those who disagree with them, etc., etc. Who will compensate the poor victims of the excesses of the uncontrollable right?

The total number of Swastikas, pornographic signs, foul language used in this “Restoring Honor” rally could not be counted but a rough estimate suggests they were in the hundreds of thousands. Considering that some Marxist media have estimated the attendance at 87,000, everyone must have been carrying several signs for the duration of the event. How uncomfortable! Do we have any pictures of that?

I’m told that Nancy Pelosi saw the signs which doesn’t surprise me since it is not the first time she’s seen them.

What’s that? I’ve got it all wrong? There were no Swastikas, practically no signs except for very few mild and acceptable ones? No violence at all? No one arrested out of more than 500,000 attendees? It was all peaceful? Do you mean that the right-wing mob didn’t attack “the other rally” that was held by the extreme left?

Well, I wasn’t there but I’m going by what the “fringe press” and the current administration were prognosticating! Were they wrong? Yes? I don’t believe it! The “Fringe Media” known before as the Main Stream Media was wrong? Were they as wrong this time as they were when they willfully participated in the Barry Soetoro cover-up instead of doing their sacred duty of vetting him?

Well, if there was no violence, one must assume that the likes of ACORN, SEIU, New Black Panthers (clubs and all) etc., were not invited or didn’t manage to sneak-in.

What do you know, we were lied to and the participants were not the religious-fanatics, ferociously-vindictive bastards we were told they were by the current Marxist administration.

Praise The Lord, America can still be saved for it has been proven time and again, that the “right” does things right, while the left is vile and violent.

All we need now is for the average American to realize that he/she has been duped and throw the bad Americans out of office.

The world owes an immense debt of gratitude to Glenn Beck, who has been risking his life unmasking the enemies of the nation for so long, as well as all the people involved in organizing, speaking at and attending this rally. God Bless You All!

It takes guts (although I prefer Sarah Paling’s choice of words) to confront the Marxist that prevail in this administration, knowing that they will stop at nothing to achieve their anti-American goals. For instance, they do use instruments like the IRS to investigate and intimidate those who criticize them while some of their friends like the SEIU just take matters into their own hands and beat the crap out of Tea Party attendees.

Joseph A. Gamero



Burt Prelutsky

I suppose it’s only natural that politicians who wind up on Capitol Hill forget that they are mere mortals. After all, when everyone is vying for your attention and all the Sunday talk shows are eager to have you stop by and spout off, and you have as many flunkies at your beck and call as Marie Antoinette, it must be awfully easy to believe you have achieved royal status. In fact, all that you’ve really done is beat out some other schnook in a popularity contest.

As a result, these pettifoggers must be constantly plagued by the fear that the very next election can turn them back into the very same rodents they were before their Fairy Godmother touched them with her magic wand.

For the run-of-the-mill politician, it must be bad enough, but imagine being Harry Reid, king of the Senate one day, and just another old pickle puss the next.

In a way, it would be even worse for Nancy Pelosi, who, unlike Reid, will easily win re-election, but could still go from being the queen bee on November 2nd to losing her Speaker’s gavel and watching her jumbo jet turn into a pumpkin at midnight. How bleak her life will be if there are no more TV cameras tracking her as she strides down the House corridors in her Hillary Clinton pants suit, a dozen male courtiers trailing in her wake.

For that matter, who would want to be Barack Obama if the November elections go the way they appear headed? How bitter would it be to go from filibuster-proof majorities in the House and Senate to being the lamest of lame ducks? A while back, Obama, when asked his opinion of Kevin Rudd, the ex-prime minister of Australia, said he liked him. One of the qualities he liked best about him was his humility. “I find him smart but humble.” The way he said it suggested he might as well have been describing himself. And to think, some people are convinced Obama doesn’t have a sense of humor. The notion that Obama is a humble human being is so far-fetched that it might even strain Joy Behar’s credulity. As Winston Churchill once observed of his political nemesis, Clement Attlee, “He’s a modest man, and he’s got a lot to be modest about.”

Speaking of the president, I keep wondering why we never hear anything about his mother-in-law. Is Mrs. Robinson still hanging out in the White House and are we still footing the bill for her food and lodging?

And whatever happened to Bo? Is he happy? Is he house-broken and has he been neutered? Judging by the ease with which Obama has turned Benjamin Netanyahu into a lap dog, I assume the answer to both questions is a resounding yes.

People have observed that a camel is a horse designed by a committee. In much the same way, GM’s Volt is a car designed and manufactured by a federal bureaucracy. For one thing, it cost $50 billion in tax dollars to take it from Frankenstein’s cellar to a car dealership in your town. Now, for a mere $41,000, you can drive it home. At least so long as you don’t live more than 40 miles away. That’s how soon the batteries need to be recharged. Except for the rather steep price tag, the Volt reminds me of those tin cans the Soviet Union used to turn out for mass consumption. Instead of calling it the Volt, designer-in-chief Barack Obama should have called it the Shaft.

Finally, I wasn’t one of those spoilsports who took umbrage at the Clintons blowing $3 million on Chelsea’s wedding. She’s their only child, after all, and as we learned during the 2008 primaries, the Clintons are worth over $100 million.

Besides, it’s not as if they were holding a bonfire in Rhinebeck, N.Y., with the dough. It was going to florists and caterers, wine merchants and decorators, milliners and security firms.

In a way, the nuptials seemed as preordained as a happy ending in a fairy tale. After all, the father of the groom is Edward Mazvinsky, a former congressman and convicted felon who only got out of jail two years ago after spending five years behind bars for financial fraud. His nickname is Fast Eddie. Unlike some in-laws, I suspect he and Slick Willie will get along just fine.

While I wish Chelsea and Marc all the best, I can’t help wondering if the Clintons will ask the party faithful to reimburse them with fund raisers, as they did after Hillary’s ill-fated run in 2008. In spite of their personal fortune, I expect that will be the case. What’s more, I’m betting the DNC will pick up the tab for the centerpieces, gift bags and hors d’oeuvres.

When you’re Bill and Hillary, you see, party favors take on a whole different meaning.

National Reviewer Schools Chris Matthews and Joe Klein on Beck, Limbaugh, Tea Party and Islamophobia

By Noel Sheppard

Chris Matthews this weekend actually invited a real conservative on to the syndicated program bearing his name, and what transpired was a thing of beauty.

National Review's Reihan Salam did such a fabulous job of educating Matthews and his guests - especially Time's Joe Klein - that I imagine him quickly becoming a NewsBusters favorite.

The initial topic of discussion was Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally scheduled to occur after this was taped.

Between Matthews' disrespectful introduction, and Klein calling the conservative talk show host "a paranoid lunatic," one had the feeling this would have devolved into a full on hate-fest if not for Salam's presence.

Fortunately, the National Reviewer was there to set the record straight (videos follow with transcripts and commentary):

JOE KLEIN, TIME: Newt Gingrich should be embarrassed by the way. He's much smarter than this. Glenn Beck something different. The guy's obviously a paranoid lunatic who is a great entertainer. And He is exploiting something that always happens in our country when the economy is bad and when we're at war. During World War I, if people were caught speaking German in the street, other people would beat them up. During World War II, we interned the Japanese. And now there, the combination of bad, bad economic times over the last couple of years and, and, you know. the terrorism, has, has led to this wave that Glenn Beck and his puppet master Rupert Murdoch are exploiting.
Amazing. So geniuses like Klein actually think folks going to Tea Party rallies are akin to people that beat up Germans during World War I or had anti-Japanese tendencies during World War II.

Is this really what qualifies as enlightened thinking from so-called journalists today?

Regardless of the answer, after opinions from the BBC's Katty Kay and NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, Matthews turned to his lone conservative guest (readers are strongly encouraged to watch the videos to see just how well Salam takes control of the panel and the discussion):

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Reihan Salam, this, this whole thing I think it gets ethnic, I think it gets tribal. I listened to Rush Limbaugh this week saying, you know, "We're not Islamophobic. We elected Barack Obama. That proves we're not Islamophobic." That's saying he's Islamic again when the guy's a Christian.

REIHAN SALAM, NATIONAL REVIEW: I don't that's quite what it's saying.

MATTHEWS: What is it saying?

SALAM: I think what it's saying is that Barack Obama is someone who comes from a very different kind of background and America has embraced him in large numbers. I also think the idea, respectfully, that Glenn Beck is being controlled by Rupert Murdoch as a puppet master gets things wrong.

KLEIN: He hired him. He hired him.

SALAM: When you look at Glenn Beck, when you see someone, for example, remember Louis Farrakhan the Million Man March? What was the Million Man March about? A lot of people were terrified about it. It caused a lot of consternation from liberals and conservatives. But ultimately what you saw was an event where tons of African-American men got together and it was really about identity and pride. And I think that when you're looking at our politics right now, it's true that in an economic downturn, you see a lot of confusion. You see a lot of uncertainty. And there is a decent number of people who feel not like have-nots, but they feel like are-knots. They feel that they're not being respected in their public life and they want to assert themselves.
For those interested, Salam wrote an article about this on Sunday. But I digress:
MATTHEWS: Who are the Glenn Beck constituency?

SALAM: I think that it's a lot of folks. It's a lot of people from smaller cities, rural areas, small towns, tend to be white, tend to be Christian-identified.

MATTHEWS: Okay, who is their villain?

SALAM: I don't think they necessarily have a villain so much as there's a lot of confusion...

KLEIN: Oh, come on.

SALAM: ...and anger and resentment.

KLEIN: No, listen, the anger is the key here. The one thing that the Million Man March has in common with the Glenn Beck march is anger. And, this is the greatest Democracy and the most prosperous country in the history of the world. Sooner or later you got to ask people, "What are you so damned angry about?"
Stop the tape! Isn't that what Republicans could have asked unhappy voters in 2006? The economy was still booming. Unemployment was under five percent. Yet Democrats had an historic midterm election transfer of power.

Now, with unemployment at 9.5 percent and likelihood heading higher, this pathetic liberal "journalist" doesn't understand what people are "so damned angry about":
SALAM: Anger is what united those men who gathered during the Million Man march. I think it goes back to...

KLEIN: Anger at white people, yes!
Yes, that's not an error in transcription. Klein really said the Million Man March was about African-Americans angry at white people:
SALAM: I'm pretty sure that's not true.

KATTY KAY, BBC: When you say, when you say that they're not have-nots, they feel they are-nots, they are not what? They are not what they see represented in Washington?

SALAM: That's, that's certainly a part of it. Also, a lot of these people felt disaffected during the Bush years as well. There's a large number of voters...

KAY: But they weren't angry and they weren't speaking out against Washington.

SALAM: Oh, they certainly were angry, but that anger, that anger wasn't part of the narrative. Right now that anger fits a media narrative, if I may, that's very compelling and exciting for people to talk about, and it fits a lot of preconceived notions.

KLEIN: And where is that coming narrative coming from?

SALAM: It's coming from a lot of folks, including some of the folks around this roundtable not intentionally, but I think it's the prism through which we see the world.
Ouch! Talk about your shot to the heart!

Of course, what Salam was saying was 100 percent true. The disaffected conservative voters have been showing their displeasure since Ross Perot began educating people about the perils of fiscal indiscipline in 1992.

More recently, this anger manifested itself when conservatives didn't show up to vote in 2006 due to their disgust with the out of control spending by a Republican-controlled Congress.

Not that shills like Klein would ever want to admit it, but conservative anger at Republicans had just as much to do with the Democrats' victory in 2006 as did liberal anger at Republicans.

But this lesson wasn't over, for Matthews asked Salam another great question:

MATTHEWS: Here's my question: There's a big differential between Republicans attitudes towards Islam and Democratic attitudes. There's some animus from both parties. But only 27 percent of Democrats say they have a problem with Islam. 54 percent of Republicans do. Explain the differential.
As a little background, Matthews has been harping on this issue since the Pew Research Center released these numbers on August 19. Now, the liberal host was finally going to understand the data:
SALAM: I will happily explain it. 25 percent of Americans identify as Republicans. 42 percent identify as conservatives. When you look at those conservatives who don't identify with the Republican Party, they have different views on a whole host of issues including gay marriage and what have you. And I think that when you're looking at that 25 percent, that smaller group, then it stands to reason that they're going to have somewhat different views. Another thing is...

MATTHEWS: Why are they anti-islamic.

SALAM: One way of saying "I have an unfavorable view of Islam" is to say that "I devoutly believe my own religious views, and I do not accept those views as true." The view that a lot of Americans have, you know, Buddhists and Hindus and Christians are all going toward the same God, that is the eccentric view in the history of Abrahamic religion.


SALAM: And I think that, you know, if you asked this several years ago, you would have gotten a pretty similar answer. It's just that it didn't connect with the political narrative.
Exactly, for the narrative today is that anyone that doesn't agree with Barack Obama is racist and anybody that doesn't support the Ground Zero mosque is anti-Islamic.

As such, people like Matthews, Klein, and all the Left's media minions are using any polling data that arises to further this narrative in the hopes the electorate will buy into it before Election Day.

Nicely played, Reihan. Bravo!



Gordon Bishop On The Issues

If you're outraged that our "illegitimate" president Barack Hussein Obama is pushing America towards a Socialist, European-style government...waging war on the citizens of Arizona instead of our real terrorist enemies...and raising your taxes to create fake "stimulus" jobs...

...then you can join the Citizens United documentary film campaign and stop Obama from destroying our nation.

This Socialist/Marxist communist has got to go or America as we know it will be transformed into a third-world Banana Republic.

With the anti-America liberal media still refusing to expose Obama's sketchy past or his current radical agenda, this film campaign is an historic opportunity for you to help reach hundreds of thousands of Americans with the truth about Barack Obama's dangerous War on America.

Remember, Obama grew up in Indonesia, a Muslim nation. His father was an African Muslim politician.

Enough said.

Don't join the national news media who will refuse to investigate why Obama has never released his college transcripts, what his affiliation with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers (who launched Obama's political campaign in Chicago) really is, and how his Muslim-upbringing is affecting his dangerous foreign policy decisions.

During his campaign for the Presidency, Obama repeated over and over again that he was a "Citizen of the World" -- NOT a "Citizen of America."

How much more does the American voters need to vote this November against our liberal-socialist members of the United States Congress. These are elected public officials who hate America and, surely, hate Americans.

What's happening to America is nothing more than the total destruction of our once great Constitutional Republic-- the "birth of a new nation in 1776."

As long as Obama pretends to be the "President of the United States of America," I no longer will consider myself a natural born citizen (which Obama is NOT!).

This crook from Chicago -- the most crooked city in America -- must be wiped out by America's voters in this most critical election of the year 2010.

And never forget, it was the corrupt national news media that helped fool voters into thinking Obama was an all-Amrican "moderate" back in 2008. The liberal media is a propaganda machine for the liberal party of Lies, Lies, Lies...

It sickens me to see this African thief sitting in Ronald Reagan's Oval Office. From a true patriot and international leader, to a pathetic loser from Indonesia.

Voters: Take back America, or become an Obama destroyer of America.

While Obama flies all over the world in his expensive President's jet at a cost to our taxpayers of millions of dollars, we find ourselves at the brink of bankruptcy, with some 18 million people out of work and unable to find a job that pays more than $20 an hour.

I have friends and family members who cannot find a job because of Obama's endless deep Recession.

Main Street, America is sinking into poverty because of Obama's socialist Marxist policies, such as his first priority: "Redistribution of Wealth." That's Communism, folks!

And that's where this country of the free and the brave is already heading into.

There's no future for America as long as Barack Hussein Obama remains in power in the Oval Office, fully supported by a socialist-Marxist liberal Congress.

Obama is handing out billions of taxpayers' dollars to international organizations that support enemies of America.

This yo-yo should be impeached, indicted and put in prison outside of America for the rest of his corrupt life!

Obama's already vowed to overturn crucial pro-family legislation that George W. Bush fought for -- including overturning the ban on the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure: killing babies at birth.

Only a deranged, sicko slob would support the slaughter of millions of innocent babies.

But that's what we have in the White House, which is now the "dark house" of gloom and doom.

We might as well be in Hell.

That's it from me, folks.

God Bless America

(Gordon Bishop is a 'Who's Who in the World' international award-winning author, historian, syndicated columnist and New Jersey's First "Journalist-of-the-Year"--1986/New Jersey Press Association, founded in 1857.)


Obama: Muslim missionary? Part 3

Chuck Norris (Read Part 1, Part 2)

In response to the Pew Research Center poll that indicated one in five Americans think President Obama is a Muslim, a week ago the White House released a rebuttal insisting that the president is "a committed Christian."

Those words remind me of those from President Teddy Roosevelt, who said, "Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action, and we have trusted only to rhetoric. If we are really to be a great nation, we must not merely talk; we must act big."

Even more apropos, Christianity's founder, Jesus Christ, said we would be able to distinguish authentic Christian leaders from false ones not by what they say but "by their fruit [or actions] you will recognize them."

And Obama's actions are again our focus here in Part 3.

In Part 1, I began to demonstrate how the President is using U.S. Special Envoy Rashad Hussain, his own presidential position and others in his administration to deepen and expand the partnerships between the United States and the religion of Islam.

In Part 2, I detailed Obama's real spiritual beliefs based upon a rare in-depth 2004 interview by a religious reporter for a major newspaper publication, including his beliefs about prayer, sin, heaven, the Bible and the person of Jesus.

Now, in Part 3, I will demonstrate how Obama categorically has been prejudicial in his treatment of Islam versus Christianity.

My question is: Just as Obama committed for Muslims in Cairo in 2009, why doesn't he also consider it his responsibility to "fight against negative stereotypes" of Christianity "wherever they appear" too, especially since the majority in Americans still profess affinity with Christendom, and he claims to be "a committed Christian"?

As president, why doesn't he defend the rights of Christians too, especially those whose voice and freedoms have been suppressed because of opposition?

In just the last few months, why didn't the president step forward and stand up publicly for any of the following Christians who had their First Amendment rights trampled upon by others, just as he had done for Muslims who are attempting to build the Ground Zero mosque?

  • Why doesn't the president stand up for the rights of Christian organizations, whose rights to hire same faith or mission-minded employees are protected under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment, but are right now having to urge Congress to reject legislation that would prohibit them from hiring only fellow believers?
  • Why didn't the president stand up for the rights of the North Carolina pastor who was fired from his duties as an honorary chaplain of the state house of representatives after he closed a prayer "in the name of Jesus"?
  • Why didn't the president stand up for the rights of those in Utah who erected 14 memorial crosses on highways for state troopers killed in the line of duty, but were told by federal judges they are to come down because they are unconstitutional?
  • Why didn't the president himself stand up for the human rights of the Christian missionaries and medical team in Afghanistan, including six Americans, to practice medicine and their faith, even after they were murdered by Islamic extremists? Wouldn't other medical missionaries in Afghanistan appreciate Obama's defense more now than ever?
  • Why didn't the president stand up for the rights of the Christian student who was booted from her graduate counseling program at a public university over her belief and conviction that homosexuality is morally wrong?
  • Why didn't the president stand up for the three Christian evangelists who were arrested for sharing the gospel and singing hymns on a public sidewalk outside an Islamic mosque in Philadelphia?
  • And, mostly, why didn't the president stand up for the rights of the Greek Orthodox Church, the only church that was actually destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks, as church leaders have been frustrated and fouled by New York officials who have virtually turned their backs on the reconstruction of the church near Ground Zero?
Gone are the days when even Thomas Jefferson, hailed as the great separatist who fought against the tyranny of denominational sectarianism in the state (and vice versa), nevertheless endorsed the use of government buildings (like the Capitol) for church services, signed a treaty with the Kaskaskia Indians that allotted federal money to support the building of a Catholic church and to pay the salary of the church's priests and repeatedly renewed legislation that gave land to the United Brethren to help their missionary activities among the Indians. He also fought for years against Muslim extremists who tried to threaten U.S. citizens and trade abroad in the Barbary wars.

Today, however, we have a president who, according to his own confession and 2009 Cairo creed, considers it "part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear" and create "partnership between America and Islam." (Notice again: a country and a religion, not a country and Arab states.) Moreover, Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference Rashad Hussain is being called to "deepen and expand the partnerships that the United States has pursued with Muslims around the world since President Obama's speech in Cairo last June."

And that's exactly what the president has done. In countless speeches and actions since taking office, Obama has sympathized and supported pro-Islamic ideologies and practice. That is why the New York Times even recently published a multiple-page report on how the "White House quietly courts Muslims in the U.S."

The U.S. State Department just reported, under the guise of "cultural affairs" and "Cultural Preservation 2010 Awards," that it is giving away U.S. taxpayer funds to 63 foreign historic and cultural sites in 55 nations, including $50,000 for an Islamic Monument in India, $76,000 for a 16th century mosque in China, $67,000 for a mosque in Pakistan and $77,000 to restore minarets (tall slender towers attached to Mosques) in Nigeria and Mauritania. Should the State Department even be funding any of these religious quests, especially when the U.S. is broke? (To be fair, they are also giving monies to restore early Christian Frescoes in Greece, 17th and 18th century church paintings in Peru, etc., too.).

Is it any surprise that another recent poll shows an increase in Jewish and Catholic citizens who more inclined to vote Republican in November?

If a self-proclaimed non-Muslim president would fight repeatedly for Muslims' religious rights to the degree that our president has, don't you think "a committed Christian" president would at least fight once for any antagonistic oppression of Christian faith and practice, too? Yet, on no occasion since taking office has President Obama stood up publicly for a single Christian individual, group, church, act or event, whom or which was being opposed or oppressed by others.

All of it makes me ponder the application of the verse in the biblical book of James, which says, "Faith without works is dead."

Even more apropos might be Quran 4:76: "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah."

Order Chuck's brand new book, "The Official Chuck Norris Fact Book: 101 of Chuck's Favorite Facts and Stories"


Dean: 'Lost Souls' Follow 'Racist Hate-Monger' Beck

By Mark Finkelstein

Howard Dean pulled off the rare twin-trashing this morning, dumping on both Glenn Beck and the people who respond to his message.  He began by calling Beck crazy, saying he has "a few things the matter with him up here, up in the head there." Later, he compounded the calumny, calling Beck a "racist" and a "hate-monger."  So who were the hundreds of thousands of people who attended the rally and the millions more who watch and listen to Beck?  Why, according to Dean, they're "lost souls."

New York Times columnist Charles Blow had set the vitriolic tone during the show's first hour, accusing Beck of "hiding behind a cross" and participating in a "rhetorical assassination" of Pres. Obama.
HOWARD DEAN: You know, I think, it was kind of a Tea Party type of event. You know, 300,000 people is a lot of people to have on the Washington Mall, but in terms of who, how many people vote, it's not a very big crowd.  I don't know what, I think that Glenn Beck has got a few things the matter with him, up here, up in the head there.  So I just don't know what to make of it.  I mean, it's a lot of people.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: So, I didn't know. He's a doctor.  You're a psychiatrist.
And later . . .
DEAN: What I see is, these folks are kind of, and I don't mean this in a mean kind of way, but they're a little like lost souls in the sense that they really do, they're at sea, the country's changed a lot, they don't, they're in the middle of a horrible economic downturn which has probably affected a lot of them personally. So they follow this guy who is like Father Coughlin from the 1930s.  He's a racist, he's a hate-monger.
And here was Blow earlier . . .
WILLIE GEIST: You had a column Saturday about Mr. Beck's rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of the I Have A Dream speech.  You said it incensed you, you called Beck the anti-King.  Just lay out your criticism of Glenn Beck.

CHARLES BLOW: Well Beck is an incredibly divisive figure, and no amount of him wrapping himself in the flag and hiding behind a cross is going to scrub his history of the things he has said and done.  And he is part of what I see as a rhetorical assassination of a good man.
Wonder when Charles ripped the Dissent is Patriotic sticker off his bumper?


John Cusack Wants ‘Satanic Death Cult Center at Fox News HQ’

By Matthew Philbin

Want a tutorial in the hypocrisy, vitriol and deep unhappiness of the American left? You don't need to subject yourself to MSNBC, or wade through the muck of Daily Kos. Actor John Cusack's Twitter feed is a clearing house for liberal memes and nasty rhetoric.

Here's his peaceful entry from Aug. 29 [All spelling from original Tweets, but Cusack admits: "I type with I phone fast and loose with no spellcheck."]:


Presumably, this is a reference to the controversy over the Ground Zero Mosque. And "all the GOP WELFARE FREAKS" seems to follow on this theme:
Johncusack: taht's the gop philospy.. gourge the stae while claiming to be rugged individuaist who live by the free market - biggest joke there is..

Johncusack: think of our the us treasury as the last frontier to be stripped mined if only pesky gov itelf wasn't in the way.

Johncusack: privatized gains- socialized loses-- complete hippcorites
But elsewhere, Cusack said Glenn Beck (at his "Restoring Honor" rally) was "unifying whites -class war of blame and fear" and said Beck was starting a "class war to capitallize on economy they destroyed" - a strange accusation from a man that claims the GOP wants to gut the treasury. And what liberal rant would be complete without the leftist's two favorite pejorative? Back's tactics, he wrote were "strraigjt fr tfriendly racist playbiook." A minute later, Cusack added, "Sorry frendly fascist playbook."

Elsewhere, he wrote: "[Charles] krathhammers a joke son please do me a fav and dont watch." He called another Tweeter a "flag sucking halfwit," presumably for the sin of patriotism.

Strong words from a man who also Tweeted about having "to weed out all the little trolls who can't bare it when someone has an opinion they dont like." He "blocked as many haters as i could a i still can't get below 200 thou," but confessed, "i guess someone turned off the automatic hate spewing machine.. i kind of miss them."

Whew! Glad some of the hate's gone from Twitter.

Cusack, who, according to gave $1,000 to Vice President Biden's 2008 presidential campaign, has a long history of using strident partisan rhetoric. He called the Bush administration "criminally incompetent robber barons," and "the neo-con/White House Iraq Group lunatics," and demanded that Attorney General Eric Holder imprison the guilty Bush officials. He also did an anti-McCain ad for the far-left group


Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2010 Edition: Obama Blames ‘Network of Misinformation… in New-media Era’

Sounding a bit like Hillary Clinton circa 1998, President Barack Obama blamed a "network of mis-information" on the recent poll results showing a significant portion of Americans unable to correctly identify his religion.

NBC's Brian Williams did not raise the proposal that the unorthodox theology of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or the fact that unlike Presidents in recent years, President Obama is not seen publicly attending any church could be more likely explanations for the confusion.


Obama Reinforces Support for Ground Zero Mosque

In an exclusive interview with NBC's Brian Williams, President Barack Obama clarified his position on the ground zero mosque controversy and blamed the media for mis-understanding his seemingly contradictory comments. The President went on to say that support for the mosque was in keeping with the core constitutional values of our nation.

Mr. Williams never asked the President about whether Sen. Harry Reid's call for the mosque to be moved was in contradiction to our core constitutional values.


‘I Pledged I Would End This War, As President That’s What I’m Doing’

In his weekly address to the nation, President Obama welcomes home combat troops from Iraq. In a speech that sounds more political than presidential, the President re-iterates that the end of combat operations fulfills a campaign promise and focuses not on their brave and impressive victory but on his promise to provide them veteran services now that they are home. The President also ignores the fact that American troops are still fighting and dying in Iraq despite his announcement that the war is ending.


Howard Kurtz Confronts Bill Press on Comparison of Beck to Al Qaeda

CNN media critic Howard Kurtz confronts radio host Bill Press on his recent comments comparing Glenn Beck's rally at the Lincoln Memorial to Al Qaeda holding a rally at Ground Zero.


ReasonTV: What We Saw at the Glenn Beck Rally in DC

On August 28, 2010, Fox News host Glenn Beck held his "Restoring Honor" rally at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The aim of the event, explained the lachrymose TV personality, was to "come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future."

As the Washington Post reports,

"For too long, this country has wandered in darkness, and we have wandered in darkness in periods from the beginning," Beck said, at times pacing at the memorial. "We have had moments of brilliance and moments of darkness. But this country has spent far too long worried about scars and thinking about the scars and concentrating on the scars.

"Today," he continued, "we are going to concentrate on the good things in America, the things that we have accomplished - and the things that we can do tomorrow. The story of America is the story of humankind."

Despite the presence of former Gov. Sarah Palin and many Tea Party trappings, the event was not political, or at least not in any conventional sense. Rather, the speakers called for bringing religion into the public square and using it as the guiding force in all aspects of American life. was on hand to take in the day and talk with some of the thousands of people who showed up (crowd estimates were unavailable at the time of this writing, though the crowd felt thinner than the one at last year's Tea Party rally). Most of the people we talked to were openly skeptical of politicians of both major parties and agreed strongly with the religious bent of the rally, often arguing that some sort of religious orientation was necessary for what that saw as a return to national greatness.

"What We Saw at the Glenn Beck Rally in DC" was shot by Jim Epstein with help from Josh Swain. Edited by Epstein and Meredith Bragg. Hosted by Nick Gillespie.


Mosque Hypocrisy

Gary Bray

…but the world must learn that I LOVE the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. “Come now; let s leave.. John 14:31

We are once again watching the liberal establishment fighting the 80% of America they hate. Why they are insistent on the Mosque being placed near the WTC is pure insanity, but I repeat. If they are going to accuse Americans who are revolted by the symbol of the religion who attacked our Towers of being intolerant than how about Islam intolerance? There is really no reason for them to build it there other than putting a stake in the eye of America and Big Media knows it. When are we going to hear the slightest outrage from the Mooselimbs about burn down Christian Churches and Synagogues every day? We know whenever an abortion clinic is bombed or a minority is yelled at, the Christian hate crowd is blasting the airwaves w/in 10 mins. Where are those same people about a religion that is full of bloodthirsty killers?

Why would we ever want a monument that promotes a religion of suicide bombings, throat cutters, plane hijackers and abuse women in all sorts of barbaric ways? Of course the Nationalized Org of Broads will be supporting this Mosque built on the beaten backs of women. This is a religion where women are no more than chattel who are not allowed in public w/o being accused of being a harlot w/the possibility of being killed to keep the “honor” of the family. Why are none of these spokesmen of this Moosque shouting their outrage of these brutal acts of their religion? The reason is, if they were to criticize the monsters of their cult they would be the next one killed by their fundamentalists.

We Christians understand the dangers of the jihad islam has called on the free Countries of the world. We understand the spiritual war that we are fighting and what the dangers are if we are to lose. This would be the end of freedom since Islam hates freedom and is a cult which would control every aspect of your life according to Sharia law. Women would be in burkas and if they were somehow raped w/o 4 men testifying against the rapists would be stoned for adultery unless they show mercy and shoot her in the head. Where is the outrage by the leaders and spokesmen of this cult about these brutal acts? Where is the outrage of the defenders of tolerance when you see a religion killing in the name of their god? We know exactly what would be said of Christians if they could find one example of the thousands of examples a month the people who worship in this mosque represent? The next time any of the leaders of this death cult express outrage over these murderous barbarians will be their first.

Of course there are two main reasons the liberals don’t speak out against Islam, the first is the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the other is they are gutless wonders afraid they will be killed. The braindead libs and Mooselips are both atheistic cults that hate America and Christians equally. They will take their chances with the moose if they will continue to punish America. They have no idea that the Mice hate liberals and their lifestyle worse than they hate Christians. These libs represent everything considered an abomination by their kookran. The second is the entire liberal establishment is terrified to even make a cartoon let alone say anything critical for fear of having a fatwaaaah put on them. So here they are making a so called principled stand out of fear and intolerance of America.

Christians need to stop fearing these cowards who hide behind the phrase tolerance. We don’t have to tolerate sin and barbaric acts simply to be tolerant. There is nowhere in the Bible that says Christians need to be tolerant, actually just the opposite saying we will be hated by the World for our intolerance to sin and destruction. We have to make a stand showing we are the only ones who have morality and understanding of the spiritual word we are fighting. We need to stop cowering at the names we will be called by the minority liberal establishment which is another atheistic cult controlled by feelings. Liberals lead an immoral personal lifestyle but if they are judged socially moral they are morally superior to everyone else, especially those intolerant Christians. This is the spiritual war we are fighting from both sides and why both sides want us dead.

Once again the Stone Age Press and the rest of the Liberal Establishment are trying to go against the will of the people to be shills for obozo and his Death cult. Whether this idea originated out of the White House or did simply Islam want to prove they conquered America it doesn’t matter, they are going against the will of the people because they serve the same master. Satan’s Mosque must be defeated and Islam must be beat back to its Satanic ideology. Let it continue to oppress and murder in Trashcanistan but not in America or the Western world.

Everywhere it has gotten a foothold and has become a mainstream religion there has been murder and gang rapes on Christian followers. This is a Judeo Christian society that lives in peace, we need to fight this Mosque to the death or we will be regretting it for eternity. When Islam apologists are as outraged about Mooselimbs burning down Christian Churches and Synagogues as they are about this Moosque then we will believe their sincerity. Until then, go blow up a school bus full of Jews Mohamhead.

Pray for America


Obama blasted for U.S.S. Cole terrorism trial postponement

by Jim Kouri

Employing one of the oldest political tricks in the book -- releasing bad or unpopular news to the public on Friday when many Americans are starting their weekend festivities and are less likely to pay attention to news stories -- President Barack Obama "pulled a fast one on Americans," according to law enforcement officers across the nation.

Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder have postponed one of the biggest terrorist trials in U.S. history: The prosecution of the coordinator of al-Qaeda's attack on the U.S.S. Cole -- an attack that left 17 sailors dead and others wounded.

Obama and Holder already created a stir when they wanted the trial of the 9/11 terrorist attack conspirators to take place in New York, but Obama and his minions backed down after the outrage became fever-pitched.

According to Fox News Channel's Catherine Herridge, the Obama administration has decided to postpone the civilian trial of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged facilitator of the October 12, 2000 suicide attack on the U.S.S. Cole which was docked on Yemen.

According to Herridge's report, many observers believe the decision is political in nature with some believing the Democrats do not want the trial to take place during the upcoming election cycle since the Cole attack occurred on a Democrat president's -- Bill Clinton's -- watch.

Others have speculated that the Obama administration does not want to proceed against a high-value war prisoner without the okay to hold civilian trials for other terrorism suspects being held prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

"Perhaps Obama should stick his nose into having these Muslim terrorists convicted rather that sticking his nose into the Ground Zero Mosque controversy," said former military intelligence officer and NYPD detective Mike Snopes.

On October 12, 2000, USS Cole, a Naval destroyer under the command of Commander Kirk Lippold, set in to Aden harbor for a routine fuel stop. According to news reports, a small boat approached the port side of the ship and exploded putting a 160-sq. ft. gash in the ship's port side.

The blast hit the ship's galley, where crew were lining up for lunch. The crew fought flooding in the engineering spaces and had the damage under control by the evening. Seventeen sailors were killed and thirty-nine others were injured in the blast.

The attack was organized and directed by Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization. In June 2001, an al-Qaeda-released video featuring bin Laden boasted about the attack and encouraged similar attacks.

Upon hearing about this trial postponement, Commander Lippold voiced his furious opposition to the Obama Administration's latest shenanigans and when -- and if -- the media begin to cover this story, it's certain this will become another "New York City mosque" outrage among most Americans, with President Obama and his minions attempting to garner the moral high-ground.

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for The Examiner ( and New Media Alliance ( In addition, he's a blogger for the Cheyenne, Wyoming Fox News Radio affiliate KGAB ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty.

He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He's a news writer and columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he's syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. Kouri appears regularly as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, etc.
