Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Simple Matter

Ted Dodge

If the Senators from my state or any state and the representative from my congressional district or any congressional district think this Health Care Reform Fiasco is not a simple matter then perhaps they are too incompetent to represent any American. The simple matter is that most Americans do not want this pending legislation. If our legislators think they know better what America needs than the majority of Americans that are opposed to this fiasco and are therefore somehow smarter than their constituents, then they are too arrogant. If they think they can con us into believing we can afford it they are underestimating our intelligence and not in touch with their constituency.

If they think we are too stupid to understand any possible benefits from workable tort reform they are condescending. They don't seem to care that the proposed legislation may be unconstitutional, perhaps they perceive Americans as too apathetic to care. The president knows that abortion funding would be a deal breaker with the American public, so congress tries to hide any reference to abortions in the thousands of pages of proposed legislation and they think that by next election we will have forgotten. Meetings behind smoke filled and locked backroom doors on this legislation seems less than the transparency we were promised but the American Public is now somehow indifferent to change?

American voters are gullible enough to think that we can't afford to pay for doctors and hospitals yet think we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and a bureaucracy to administrate one sixth of the economy? Right, we can extend health care coverage to 45 million more people and we can do it for less money. Members of both houses of congress seem to think we want a plan written by committees that don't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it and whose members will be exempt from it, funded by a treasury secretary who did not pay his taxes, signed by a president who smokes, and financed by a country that is broke.

Congress, if you think your agenda is more important than what is best for America and you think your condescending arrogance allows you to be out of touch with your constituents. If you ignore the will of the American People because you think we are stupid, apathetic, gullible, and uninterested in transparency and real change. If you think the Tea Parties were indeed a joke and the public will not recognize your incompetence. If you think it is ok to buy the votes of a Senator from Nebraska and another $300 million of taxpayer money for a Senator from Louisiana If you think all of this then vote for Health Care Reform because you surely must believe we are forgetful, so good luck the next time you run for congress