Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama Budget: Slush Fund For Abortion Industry

Overlooks success of abstinence programs

Obama Budget: Slush Fund For Abortion IndustryFebruary 3, 2010 – President Obama's 2011 budget proposal will be a slush fund for the abortion industry, not only in the U.S., but around the world.

If approved as proposed, the Obama budget will provide funding for the UNFPA, a United Nations agency that supports China's gruesome one-child policy and other pro-abortion activities around the world.

In addition, the budget will provide taxpayer dollars to fund the killing of unborn children in the District of Columbia.

The Obama budget will also provide funding for the Legal Services Corporation to fund individuals involved in pro-abortion litigation.

Title X is the federal government's family planning program. Federal spending for Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10), the budget was at $317,491,000. The FY11 request is an increase of $10 million to a total of $317,356,000. Much of this funding goes to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups for “family planning” activities.

In addition, the FY11 budget calls for a continuation of the funding of international family planning activities. The FY10 budget was $648,457,000.

Eliminated Abstinence Education Funds

Before his election, President Obama promised to eliminate funds for abstinence education. He kept his promise. His FY2010 budget eliminated funds for the Community Based Abstinence Education and Title V Abstinence Education Program.

In his 2010 budget, Obama called for $164 million for contraceptive-only education. It includes $50 million for new mandatory condom grants to states, tribes, and territories.

On February 2, 2010, a new study was released showing that abstinence education reduces teen sexual activity while conventional safe sex programs had no positive effects. The study appeared in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

The study was conducted by Drs. John and Loretta Jermmott from the University of Pennsylvania and Geoffrey Fong of the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada.

The study showed positive health benefits from abstinence education and reduced self-reported sexual involvement among African-American students in grades six and seven.

The abortion industry, however, continues to push condoms and high-risk sexual behaviors among teenagers. They are sex peddlers who profit from teen pregnancies. They sell condoms and abortions for profit.

The study is available in full text on the Abstinence Clearinghouse web site, an excellent source of reliable information on abstinence education. 

Clearly, Obama is a pro-abortion President who wants to use millions of taxpayer dollars to serve as a slush fund for abortionists. And, he is doing whatever he can to defund effective abstinence education.