Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Nature of Man

By John Helbling

Psalm 14:2-3 (NKJV)
2 The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
3 They have all turned aside, They have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No, not one.

I am a Christian conservative. That means I am loathed not only by the secular, humanist left, but by the religious left as well. It also means that I am opposed to most if not all of the policies being forced upon us by our godless government. The religious left, however, has joined forces with the humanist left in welcoming more and more government control of our lives. It begs the question; why would anyone who claims to be a Christian want more government control of anything? I’ll tell you why, because the religious left has bought into the lie that people are basically good. As our country hurtles headlong toward Socialism, the religious left in America has its arms flung wide open in eager anticipation of its arrival, swooning over the belief that there will finally be justice and equality for all. They do this in belief that their government, i.e., our elected officials, is "good". This is their fatal mistake. As the scripture says, "there is none who does good", especially in Washington, D.C.

I am rooted in the reality of God’s Word. I only have to look at myself to realize the truth of the scripture. If I, a born-again Christian, have no good in me, then what does it say about the unsaved, humanist elected officials "leading" our country. On paper, Socialism and Communism are great ideas, everyone sharing equally what they have and putting their individual talents to use for the common good. But here is where the flaw, man’s sinful nature, rears its ugly head. History proves it out; every country that has put its faith in an all-powerful government has had its citizens brutalized and extremely oppressed by that government and most have failed. Those that have not failed are still brutalizing and oppressing their citizens. Every government has to have leaders and these leaders are human beings and these human beings are sinners. Communism in the Soviet Union is a prime example. Communism was supposed to bring enforced equality for everyone, but true to sinful form, the Soviet leaders became more and more corrupt, living lavish lifestyles while the masses lived in squalor, existing only to provide the ruling elite with manpower to further their agenda. The more power you place in the hand of a sinner, the more corrupt he or she will be.

We live in a republic where we elect representatives to supposedly govern by the will of the people. This system has worked well and is less corrupt than most because of the threat of being voted out of office if you do not obey the will of the people. It’s not perfect, because people are involved, and it is becoming even more imperfect because we no longer seek God’s will as a nation. So, before many of you out there go singing the praises of a government run automotive industry or a government controlled banking system or government provided health care, look to the past, failed socialist governments and the present, oppressive socialist regimes in the world and ask yourself, do I really want to give up my God given freedom for the illusion of social justice and equality? Because it truly is an illusion; give your government more power over your life and it will take that power and abuse it for its own ends and at your expense, guaranteed. It’s just our nature.