
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

With Murders Soaring, Windy City Needs Experienced Community Organizer!

By John W. Lillpop

The soaring rate of murders in Chicago is proving too onerous for Da Mayor, the –less- than- honorable, Rahm Emanuel.

As reported at the reference, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has failed to bring the spirit of Hope and Change with him from the White House:

“CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago's mayor and police superintendent publicly defended their new gang-fighting strategy Monday amid growing criticism that the changes are failing and a big reason why the city's homicide rate has soared this year.
After weeks of media reports about Chicago homicides — which so far are up nearly 38 percent from last year — Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy defiantly said during a news conference that the gang strategies in place before McCarthy arrived were the ones that failed, not the new ones.”

Clearly, Emanuel has learned a vital lesson from Obama: Blame all that is untoward on the previous administration!

Da Mayor clearly needs a community organizer with experience to step in and take back the streets and alleys of Chicago.

By coincidence, one of the most experienced and storied community organizers in the world will be on the hunt for employment starting November 7.

His name is Barack Obama and with his background in Democrat politics, he would be perfectly qualified to deal with murderers, gangsters, and other thugs. And he is good at basketball.

Barack Obama as Community Organizer for Chicago—has a nice ring to it, say what?