
Monday, July 18, 2011

Rescuer of CHCH Editor Presented Hero Award

by Rev. Austin Miles
The CN2 "Hometown Hero Award" was publicly presented to the man who saved the life of Capitol Hill Coffee House Publisher/Editor Chip McLean when a huge tree fell on the car he was driving last month on a South Carolina road during a storm that had just whipped up.
Timothy Gayton, 19, a college student, who Chip said, "Came out of nowhere," received the Hometown Hero Award  from television station, CN2,  in Rock Hill, South Carolina in a telecast this past week.
When the accident occurred on the mostly desolate roadway, Timothy Gayton suddenly was there, jumped out of his car, ran to Chip's crushed car, borke a window and pulled him out to safety and got him to a hospital.

Chip was knocked out and bruised. By getting him out of that car, that was still being slowly crushed by the tree that had landed on top of it, and promptly getting help for him, saved his life.
As Gayton received the award, presented to him by both CN2 TV, and Chip McLean, during an on-air newscast, he said, "I'm really not a hero. I just did what anybody should do."
Chip is still recovering and slowly getting back to posting his news on:

Timothy Gayton represents the finest of America's young people. God used him for that crucial assignment. Indeed, it is believed that God actually placed him there at that precise moment. We can be thankful to God and this young man who is an example of the best.