
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Obama Administration to Implement More Gun Control Without Congress

Katie Pavlich 
Another day, another power grab around Congress from the Obama administration.
Great news! The Obama administration plans to implement gun control measures  "gun safety measures," through the Justice Department without Congress.

Spokesman Jay Carney said that the new steps would be made public "in the near future." He didn't offer details, but people involved in talks at the Justice Department to craft the new measures said they expected to see something in the next several weeks. Whatever is proposed is not expected to involve legislation or take on major issues, like banning assault weapons, but could include executive action to strengthen the background check system or other steps.

"The president directed the attorney general to form working groups with key stakeholders to identify common-sense measures that would improve American safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights," Carney said Thursday. "That process is well under way at the Department of Justice, with stakeholders on all sides working through these complex issues, and we expect to have some more specific announcements in the near future."

"Or other steps." According the Carney, new gun control measures are being pushed by the Obama administration to prevent "another Tucson." The problem is, Obama administration officials, along with anti-gun special interests groups, are focusing on the guns, rather than criminals. And let's not forget, Jared Loughner, the clinically insane man who shot 19 people on Jan. 8 in Tucson, Ariz. killing 6 and wounding 13 others, had multiple encounters with Loughner for issuing death threats to a radio host among other things before the shooting, meaning Dupnik allowed him to slip through the cracks of law enforcement more than once. Dupnik chose to do nothing about prior complaints about Loughner, but once again, anti-gun zealots are refusing to focus on the real problems: incompetent law enforcement and criminals.

It is no surprise anti-gun advocates and the Obama administration aren't going to let the Jan. 8 crisis go to waste. We saw this coming. 

Meanwhile, Congressman Issa updates us on the Obama Justice Department Operation Fast and Furious, an operation that allowed U.S. federal government officials to break and ignore gun laws already in place.

(In the first video, Mr. Hannity refers to Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious as the same program, they are not. Project Gunrunner was implemented under the Bush Administration and involved allowing straw purchasers to buy weapons under surveillance but then those purchasers were immediately arrested in the United States. Operation Fast and Furious was started in 2009 and involved ATF agents allowing straw purchasers to buy guns under surveillance for drug cartels and then take them across the border into Mexico. Those guns are now lost until they are found at crime scenes. )

So there you have it, the totally incompetent and corrupt Obama Justice Department is in charge of coming up with ideas about how to make America safe from guns, because ideas from this DOJ have worked out so well in the past. 

June 15, 2011-- "Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals, this was the plan. It was so mandated." –Special Agent John Dodson ATF Phoenix Field Division.

Damning new evidence from Capitol Hill shows that ATF Directors and Justice Department Officials knew about and encouraged the purposeful trafficking of thousands of weapons across the southern border, despite strong objections from ATF agents. Thousands of innocent lives were taken as the result, including those of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE Agent Jamie Zapata.