'Islam is the solution and … the perfect system that needs to be implemented'
By Michael Carl
Three British Islamic activists are planning a pro-Shariah law rally in front of the White House next week, arguing that it is the solution for all of America's problems.
The March called Shariah-4-America will call on American Muslims to advocate Shariah law, and for Americans to run the country's business by Shariah.
The Muslim clerics are Anjem Choudary, Abu Izzadeen and Sayful Islam, all of whom have been associated with Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad's group al-Muhajidoun.
Sayful Islam says the message is clear: The American dream is a farce.
"The message we're going to present is two-fold. The first is the fallacy of the American dream. The American dream has become a nightmare. The message of freedom and democracy has failed the people it's trying to help," Islam remarked.
"The American people are suffering and are seeing oppression. They need to remove the tyrants of our time. The biggest tyrant of our time is Barack Obama, the American president," Islam commented.
Islam says the second part of the message is Shariah law.
"Shariah is the solution for all of the problems that mankind is facing today, economically, socially, judicially and politically. Islam is the solution and Shariah is the perfect system that needs to be implemented," Islam claimed.
Islam says the activists are starting the Shariah-4-America campaign outside the White House because of its symbolic value.
"The White House is the symbol of America and its call for freedom and democracy. We want to show that the White House is no longer the centerpoint of the world and that everyone can no longer look to it as a sign of freedom and democracy," Islam claimed further.
"It's in contrast to the Black House which is in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. We must make that (the Black House) the focal point of the people. They should no longer look to the White House for freedom, but look toward submission to the creator," Islam commented.
March co-organizer Anjem Choudary says the event will highlight a historic date in Islamic history.
"We want to invite the Muslims and non-Muslims in America to think about Islam as an alternative way of life. What took place in Egypt and Tunisia and what we're seeing now in Libya is people fighting against oppression," Choudary claimed.
"As far as Islam is concerned, oppression is not having put Mubarak in charge or Ben Ali (the Tunisian leader). Oppression is those people who do not survive by the divine law," Chourdary said further.
"Just as Muslims are obliged to call for Shariah in Muslim countries, they are equally obliged to call for Shariah in non-Muslim countries. As the bastion of freedom and democracy and the center of the Western world, it is only appropriate that the call for the Shariah should be there (at the White House," Choudary said.
"We believe that we should be propagating Islam to the British, to the Americans, to the French and other nations because we believe that (Shariah) is superior and that is the way forward for mankind," Choudary also said.
Abu Izzadeen is the third member of the group.
Izzadeen was sentenced to four and a half years in prison in Britain for encouraging Muslims at a London mosque to join the Mujahadeen and fight British and American troops in Iraq.
A report in Family Security Matters says that before this conviction, Izzadeen was deported to Lebanon in 2005 with cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad. Lebanese authorities said that Izzadeen could not have refuge in Lebanon because Izzadeen was a British citizen.
Izzadeen went to prison under the 2000 British Anti-terrorism Act and was released in May 2009 for good behavior.
The Daily Mail reported that a parole violation sent him back to jail in July 2009, but Izzadeen is out of prison again and free to organize the Washington, D.C., rally.
Centre for Social Cohesion Director Douglas Murray explains that Omar Bakri Muhammad was the leader of al-Muhajidoun before he was deported to Lebanon and that Choudary took over as leader of the group. Murray adds that Choudary started another group, Islam4UK.
A story in the British newspaper, The Guardian, says that al-Muhajiroun and Choudary's organizations were outlawed by an order from former Home Secretary Alan Johnson. Membership in either group carries a 10-year prison term.
Murray also says he will be surprised if Abu Izzadeen is let into the United States.
"I would be amazed if the American border authorities allow him in. I think they should obviously not allow him in. Anyone convicted of terrorism in the U. K. should obviously not be going to the U. S. to do the same thing there," Murray stated.
"To give you an idea (of Izzadeen's activism). He was quoted in 2007 as saying, 'So we are terrorists. Terrorists fight the enemies of Allah. The Americans and British only understand one language. It's the language of blood,'" Murray related.
Murray says Izzadeen went on to justify the killing and decapitation of the British hostage Ken Bigley.
"It isn't a matter of him making inciting speeches. It is the matter that he has been convicted of inciting murder for fundraising for terrorism," Murray continued.
The Department of Homeland Security is not commenting on whether any of the march organizers have been barred from entering the United States.
Choudary believes that because both Izzadeen and Islam are British citizens, they should be able to enter the country without applying for a visa.
Choudary also cites the Constitution and the First Amendment principles as guaranteeing him a right to promote Islam.
Islam agrees, also citing America's principle of Freedom of Speech.
"This country (the U. S.) has freedom of speech. Let the Muslims have their turn now. We've heard enough from the West and Western commentators," Islam said.
Islam believes the Muslims have the momentum and the campaign in the U.S. is designed to coincide with the upheavals in the Middle East.
"It's about time the Muslims stand up and raise their call for Islam and the Shariah. What we're trying to show the people is that the tyranny they're facing is man-made. The head of this serpent is the United States of America. They're the ones promoting this all across the world," Islam said.
Choudary says the date of the event is the 87th anniversary of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the last caliphate and the last nation with Shariah law.
"I intend to have with me Sayful Islam and Abu Izzadeen to address the masses on how Islam will solve their problems and bring them out of the hegemony of man-made law," Choudary described.
"The Muslims around the world are currently boiling, rising up and getting rid of dictators and oppressors and part of that oppression is the presence of American bases in American countries, American citizens who are looking after their own interests at the cost of the welfare of the ordinary people in those countries," Choudary claimed.
The British cleric adds that Americans are fighting against the Muslim tide.
"This is not a time for the Americans to have any kind of presence in Muslim countries. They need to withdraw from there and we will be giving that warning as well that the Muslims are arising," Choudary remarked.
"If you want to help them to establish the Shariah, or if you want to help them to develop. That's fine. But if you want to maintain your interests by trying to force upon the Muslims democracy and freedom in our countries, we believe that the Shariah is the way forward and we will be giving them a warning," Choudary stated.
Murray believes that Omar Bakri Muhammad, Anjem Choudary and their followers have always been "problematic" for the press. He says this has created an unfortunate picture in the eyes of the public.
"They are very, very willing to say exactly what it is they want to do and the result is a lot of people have dismissed them as clowns or loud mouths and so-on," Murray explained.
"Conclusive research and comprehensive research by the Centre for Social Cohesion has revealed that between one-in-six and one-in-seven people convicted in the U. K. of Islamic terrorism related offenses in this decade have been linked to, or been members of, this group," Murray detailed.
"So I would strongly advise that the people don't take them lightly. Don't think that it's all talk. Do make sure these people are not allowed into the U. S.," Murray cautioned.