
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Controversial “Hunted Child” Series Launched

by Rev. Austin Miles

(2/25/11)  Oakley, California.  Today the dynamic new series designed specifically to protect children from predators was pre-launched before the media, with the official launching date to be March 1st.  Immediately after the website opened, hundreds of people signed on. The Hunted Child is a shocking but informative new video series.  Child abduction and rape has become epidemic throughout the world and even though predators have been incarcerated, placed under psychological and psychiatric care, once released they go right back to repeat their crimes.

According to Jerry Hanoum who spoke at the news conference, each pedophile, according to statistics, has molested at least 120 children before caught, and goes on to repeat that behavior when released.  No private or government program has been able to provide an effective solution or program to put a stop to these criminal sexual acts. That is until the launching of The Hunted Child Video Series with the goal of bringing a bill to Congress titled, The Mark for Mark Act.

With the passing of this bill, every person who has been convicted of harming a child will be required to have a Mark on his or her name and/or body, to identify that individual as a danger to children. An abused child carries a Mark on his or her life forever.  It is time to put a Mark on those who have Marked our children. The mark can be removed only when that individual has gone though treatment and extensive counseling and has proven beyond doubt to be responsible. However, a GPS device will be on that person for the rest of his of her life, to be certain that our children are protected.

These sexual criminals, who are driven by constant out-of-control lust, can grab your child in an unguarded split-second and disappear. The news regularly reports these stories including the recent one where a pedophile snatched a little girl from the aisle of a Dollar Store, threw her down on the floor and got on top of her in an attempt to rape her while her parents were in the next aisle.

The Hunted Child videos will provide specific preventative measures to keep your child safe.  It is not a ‘predator’ series. The videos re-enact various actual cases and provide specific preventative measures to keep your child safe.

It’s not just the pedophiles who target our children. Kids are also targeted by gangs, witchcraft, Satan worship and by those who want to sell them into sexual slavery which includes prostitution.

Questions were asked by those who packed the facility at Mountain View Christian Center in Oakley   The first question was to be expected: “Is this movement a Christian initiative?”  Hanoum answered, “This is not a Christian initiative. This is not about religion in any form nor is it about politics, gays, straights or anything else. This is about protecting children from pedophiles. It is all of us against them.”

Another questioner took it further: “Are you instigating this as a pastor?”  Hanoum graciously answered, “I’m a pastor. But it wouldn’t matter if I was a fireman, policeman or farmer. This is not about a position, but as a father and grandparent…not about what we do as a vocation, but is done as a measure of our responsibility to our children.” He was also asked if the “Mark for Mark’ bill was too harsh.

All of that can be seen and heard on the news video that has already found its way to U-Tube. In his opening address to the media, he stated: “As the founder of “The Hunted Child” and the developing bill, “Mark For Mark, “ my credentials and reason for doing this is simple, I’m a passionate father and grandfather who has seen and heard enough of the rising war of abduction, molestation and rape against our children.”  He went on to quote startling statistics as to how bad the problem is. 

Beginning March 1st, The Hunted Child will be officially launched to the whole world with a new program every week. This might be the first effective program to deal with the pedophile problem yet to be implemented.  The website is:
