
Monday, January 18, 2010

Stop Nationalized Health Care!

Stop Nationalized Health Care!Liberal Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) has told CNBC that the Obama effort to nationalize our health care system is “hanging by a thread” – with only one or two votes to determine the outcome.

This is good news to TVC and Americans as a whole. Now is not the time to give up on defeating this massive government takeover of 1/6th of our nation’s economy.

The stakes have never been higher. If the federal government becomes the national doctor, our entire health care system will be destroyed. Research will be stifled, patient rights will be violated and seniors will be denied critical care.

In addition, every taxpayer in America will be forced to buy health insurance or pay a fine. Taxpayers will also be forced through various gimmicks to fund abortion on demand. The Obamacare plan will be one of the largest bailouts for the abortion industry this nation has ever seen.

Every vote counts and every Senator and U.S. Representative should be held accountable for his vote this November election cycle.

Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Exposes Costs Of Obamacare

The Department of Health & Human Services CMS office has published a 37-page cost analysis of Obamacare. The report was issued on January 8, 2010.

CMS highlights the following serious cost concerns about Obamacare:

  • Fails to bend the cost curve down. Bends the growth curve upward with overall national health spending increasing by an estimated $222 billion between 2010 and 2019. Bends the growth upward for federal health spending as well. Total federal spending on health care would increase by $279 billion during this same period.

  • Americans will effectively pay more for less coverage. Employers are likely to reduce the scope of health benefits in response to the excise tax on high-cost employer-sponsored insurance coverage. In addition, “[a]n estimated 22 percent of insured workers in 2019—about 35 million people-- would be in employer plans with benefit values in excess of the threshold” and therefore be subject to the excise tax and this percentage would continue to increase.

  • Fails to ensure coverage is affordable for low income families. Despite the subsidies, lower income individuals and families would still be subject to substantial out of pocket costs for health care. Lower income individuals enrolled in a silver plan would pay about 47 of out-of-pocket costs before reaching the out-of-pocket maximum. Lower income families would pay about 40 percent before reaching the out-of-pocket max.

  • Puts the majority of the uninsured in a broken and bankrupt health system with lower health outcomes. The majority of newly covered under the bill (18 of 34 million) will go to Medicaid.

  • If you like what you have, you cannot keep it. The number of people with employer sponsored coverage would go down by about 17 million due in part to small businesses dropping coverage, companies with low average salaries ending their plans, and due to 2 million people with employer coverage who would go to Medicaid.

  • Over $70 billion in direct new taxes on American businesses and families. Individuals would pay $34 billion in individual mandate penalties between 2014 and 2019. Employers would pay a total of $37 billion in penalties over the same period.

  • Medicare “savings” are double-counting. While cuts in Part A of Medicare and higher tax revenues extend the solvency of the Medicare Trust fund by 10 years (to 2027), in practice, the improved Medicare solvency “cannot simultaneously used to finance other Federal outlays (such as the coverage expansions) and to extend the trust fund, despite the appearance of this result from the respective accounting conventions.

  • Yet, the draconian cuts to Medicare will endanger access for seniors. Medicare cuts due to the productivity adjustment “may be unrealistic” and as a result, “providers for whom Medicare constitutes a substantive portion of their business could find it difficult to remain profitable and, absent legislative intervention, might end their participation in the program (possibly jeopardizing access to care for beneficiaries).” Furthermore, the Chief Actuary’s analysis found that “roughly 20 percent of Part A providers would become unprofitable within the 10-year projection period as a result of the productivity adjustments.”

  • Empowers an unelected, unaccountable board of bureaucrats to make crucial program decisions. The Secretary of HHS would be required to implement recommendations from the Independent Medicare Advisory Board unless the statutory process was overridden by Congress.

  • Established a new unaffordable, unsustainable long term care insurance program, a new kind of Fannie-Med. Regarding the CLASS program, once again the Chief Actuary warns that there is a very serious risk that the problem of adverse selection would make the program unsustainable.

TAKE ACTION: Contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and ask them to vote NO on any Democrat plan that nationalizes our health care, funds abortion, or undermines the finest health care system on the planet.