
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Polls Show Scott Brown Ahead In Mass. Senate Race!

Democrats are doing everything they can to save their sacred Kennedy Senate seat. I expect anyone who has died in the last ten years to vote at least once today. Hopefully, even that won't help.

Martha Coakley is totally of touch -- whether it is about health care or not even knowing who Curt Schilling is. Imagine calling this Red Sox hero a "Yankees fan." Even I know who Curt Schilling is.

Yesterday morning, National Journal writer Charles Franklin posted an encouraging article about today's Senate race in Massachusetts between Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley.

According to Franklin, "No matter how you slice the data, the only reasonable conclusion is that Scott Brown has moved from well behind to a lead somewhere between 4 and 11 points."

Franklin presented numerous polls for those who want non-partisan polling or don't trust Republican or Democrat polls.

The overall polling shows Brown with a 8.8 point lead.

  • If readers only trust non-partisan polls, Brown has a 6.8 point lead.
  • If Democrats don't trust Republican pollsters, Brown leaders by 6.5 points.
  • If Democrats don't trust non-partisan polls, but do believe Coakley's leaked polling data, then Brown leads by 3.8 points.
  • If Republicans trust GOP and non-partisan polls only, Brown leads by 11.3 points.

In any poll analyzed – from Democrat, Republican, non-partisan, and leaked polls, Brown still leads.

This is devastating news for Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the other Obamunists in the Congress who are ignoring public outrage about nationalized health care.

If Scott Brown wins the Senate seat, the Democrat-controlled Senate loses its 60 vote majority – and Obamacare could crash in flames.

Polling – even in Massachusetts – shows that Americans don't want nationalized health care – and voters in Massachusetts are going to express their outrage today by defeating Martha Coakley, an Obama Stepford Wife. In Massachusetts, 51% of those likely to vote in today's election oppose Obamacare. Only 36% support Obamacare! Remember: This is Massachusetts, the home of John Kerry and Barney Frank!

Today's election in Massachusetts could be a turning point in our battle against socialized medicine – and the rest of Obama's socialist and globalist agenda. November's elections will undoubtedly result in a massive power shift in Washington, D.C. – back to fiscal sanity, genuine concern for national security, and a free market approach to solving problems.

Our Founding Fathers created an ingenious system of government – a system that gives the people the right, every two years -- to clean out the corruptocrats in the House and Senate. That giant sucking sound you hear in the distance is a conservative vacuum cleaner removing liberal debris from Capitol Hill.

Hopefully, the Senate/House cleaning starts today – and not a moment too soon. If you're in Massachusetts or know anyone in Massachusetts, call them and make sure they vote. Every vote counts.