Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Would MLK Regard "Light-skinned and no Negro Dialect"?

By John W. Lillpop

With America set to celebrate the birth and life of Martin Luther King Day
on January 18, 2010, the time is right to examine this nation's progress in
fulfilling Dr. King's "Dream" of a color blind society.

While it is true that America has elected an African-American to the
presidency for the first time in our history, it is also just as true that
Barack Obama was elected largely because of his race.

Democrats, and Obama himself, used his race with great precision as a means
for exploiting pangs of guilt nestled in the hearts of liberals into votes.

Their non-color blind message: Vote for Barack Obama because he is black.
Doing so will help heal the wounds of slavery and other abuses heaped on
black people by evil white men.

Washington reporter Helen Thomas summed up this mentality when she expressed
gratitude that America finally had a black president.

That is clearly not what Dr. King had it mind.

His Dream was for a color blind society, where people would be judged by
character and ability rather than skin pigmentation.

Surely, Dr. King would be sorely disappointed to learn that, more than 40
years after his death, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, a
Democrat, would hail a black candidate because he was "light-skinned and
with no Negro dialect."

Perhaps Harry Reid should atone for his bigoted stupidity by resigning from
the US Senate, effective January 18, which just happens to be Martin Luther
King Day.