
Monday, January 4, 2010


Gordon Bishop On The Issues
Do you think that our elected officials in Washington should cut Medicare or save Medicare?
Both the House Healthcare Bill, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has forced through Congress -- and the current Senate Bill, call for more than $500 BILLION in cuts to your Medicare coverage, reports Dr. Larry Hunter, President of Social Security Institute, Washington, D.C. (20090-6660).
What will these Medicare cuts affect?
-Your access to the Medicare care that you need?
-Payments to your doctor?
-Your access to the medications you need?
-Your local hospital may close (or stop accepting Medicare patients!?)
-What are they going to do with the money they take away from your Medicare?
-Spend it on bloated, red-tape loaded, government-run health for: illegal aliens, or younger people who can afford their own insurance but don't want to spend their own money to buy it?
As always, plenty will be set aside for the favorite pet projects of the Senators and Congressmen who vote for these massive Medicare cuts.
They've already stolen almost all of the Social Security MONEY, so now they're moving on to raid Medicare!
If Congress takes $500 billion dollars out of Medicare, it's NOT coming out of thin air...
...It's coming out of the money that pays for YOUR medical benefits. Money that you paid into Medicare all your life...
...and money that they will save by denying you the care that you need as you get older.
You already know how hard it is to find a doctor who will take Medicare. Imagine when Medicare payments are cut even further.
Good luck trying to find any doctor who will take it then!
This battle to save Medicare isn't over -- not yet anyway.
Dr. Larry Hunter is leading the charge on Washington to force Congress to save Medicare -- not cut it!
The Institute is supported by folks just like you -- who want the voices of real Americans to be heard for a change in Washington, and who care enough to sacrifice a little bit to make sure those voices really are heard.
Dr. Hunter has spent most of the last year travelling all over the country telling people about what Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed and Barack Obama are trying to get away with.
Unlike our bloated federal government and their highly paid bureaucrats, the Social Security Institute doesn't have fancy offices with mahogany tables and fancy leather chairs. This is a gutsy grassroots organization more interested in having your voice heard in Congress.
Modesty and Common Sense -- that's what Dr. Hunter's group is all about.
With thousands of "SAVE MEDICARE" votes telling them what the American people want, the Institute, this small but powerful group, is standing up to the Obama/Reid/Pelosi radicals who want to change our medical system to fit their tax-and-spend socialist agenda.
I support them through my weekly syndicated column.
What don't you join them today?
(Gordon Bishop is a 'Who's Who in the World' national award-winning author, historian, syndicated columnist and New Jersey's first "Journalist-of-the-Year" -- 1986/New Jersey Press Association, founded in 1857.)