
Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 -- Time For 'Change'. For The Better

2010 -- Time For ‘Change’… For The Better By TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty

In 2009, Americans got a good taste of “hope” and “change” – and clearly they don’t like it.

If you have a heart attack it is a change but not for the better. When Obama promised change in his campaign, clearly many Americans had no idea of how quickly things could have gotten so bad.

High on his list of needed “changes” were undermining fundamental American principles such as those in the U.S. Constitution and Christianity in America.

President Barack Hussein Obama quickly showed how truly extreme he is. He spent the first several months of his presidency traveling throughout the world on his “apology tour” – to apologize for America’s greatness, our economic strength, and our war on Islamic terrorism.

The words “terrorism” and “Islamic” have been banned from the vocabulary of Obamunists in positions of power. Terrorism is now called “man-made disasters” and Obama has fully embraced Islam in speech after speech. Perhaps the low point of his slavish praise of Islam was when he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia while in England. No President of the United States should bow to any Islamic potentate nor any other head of another nation. The President is an equal, not a subordinate to Islamists.

Obama and his liberal allies in Congress quickly set about seizing control of major portions of the free enterprise system – even taking over General Motors and firing its chief executive officer. Key financial institutions were also seized through “bailouts.”

Obama also kept a campaign promise to anti-war, anti-American leftists to dismantle our defense system. He has also gutted our war on Islamic terrorism by ordering the closing of GITMO to transfer killers to a prison in Illinois. His Attorney General Eric Holder announced that terrorists will be tried as civilians in a court in New York City, instead of trying them as enemy combatants in military courts. Terrorists are not American citizens and deserve no such rights.

During his first 100 days in office, Obama pushed through $5 billion in cuts to the military’s modernization program; cut 17% from missile defense; ended production of the F-22 Raptor; and called for nuclear disarmament.

His first act as President was to overturn the Mexico City policy, banning the use of federal (taxpayer) dollars to fund abortions overseas.

He has kept his promise to the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) movement by placing gays in key positions within the federal government, including Kevin Jennings to head up the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools.  He has recently appointed a she-male to the Commerce Department.

He also nominated lesbian activist Chai Feldblum to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Feldblum believes that gay rights should routinely trump religious freedom rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. She also believes that polyamory (multiple male and female sex partners) is a legitimate family structure.  Her confirmation to the EEOC will be a quick steppingstone to a U.S. Supreme Court appointment.

His administration is filled with supporters of unrestrained abortion on demand, far leftists, Muslims, gays, and internationalists who wish to undermine national sovereignty.

He has placed his first nominee on the Supreme Court – a woman who believes the Constitution is a “living document” subject to the interpretations of judges. Justice Sonia Sotomayor publicly rejected her previous views on the Constitution when she underwent grilling in the Senate Judiciary Committee in order to be confirmed. But, her views remain unchanged.

TVC published dozens of documents on Obama’s radical Marxist and Islamic background. They include:

Who Groomed Barack Obama?
Obamunists Using Socialist Strategies To Manufacture Crises
What’s Up With Sen. Barack Obama’s Pastor?
Who Is David Axelrod – Obama’s Political Advisor?
What Makes Michelle Obama Tick?
President Obama Has Done More Damage To Our Nation In 100 Days Than Any President In History

What’s Ahead In 2010?

Frankly, we expect things to get worse until the November 2010 election cycle, when Americans can take back their country from Obamunists in the House and Senate.

The election must remove dozens of Obamunists so that power can be restored to the American people and not the radical cabal pushing through socialized medicine and other legislation that threatens religious liberty, national security and free enterprise.

It is clear that liberals can’t be trusted with power. They are socialists in disguise who desire total control over the lives of every American and they’ll tax us to death to maintain and expand the power of the federal government.

If Obamacare passes and becomes law, it will face numerous lawsuits to have it declared unconstitutional – as it is.

Liberals and their LGBT puppet masters are also pushing for passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which will make she-males, gays, bisexuals, and other bizarre sexual acts into protected minorities under federal law. This will directly impact public schools and Christian schools not affiliated with a denomination. Children will be victimized by the gay agenda.

As noted earlier, Obama is pushing for confirmation of lesbian activist Chai Feldblum to become a member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as a steppingstone to the Supreme Court. In her thinking, “identity belief” trumps “religious belief.” She thinks that a person can have religious beliefs, but just not act on them in businesses or schools. 

Liberals will also push for the reinstitution of the so-called Fairness Doctrine to stifle conservative and Christian talk shows.

Don’t Despair – Stay Active!

America looks forward with “hope” to making a long list of “changes” in 2010. We can stop the Obamunist juggernaut before our nation is changed forever.

Pray and stay active. Get involved in a local political party. Use TVC’s letter-writing service to tell your federal legislators how you feel about what they are doing to our country.

Get your friends and neighbors involved as well. Our nation is under attack – from within – by enemies of freedom, religion and traditional values.