
Friday, December 25, 2009

Senate Passes Healthcare - Victory with no Honor

By Rev Michael Bresciani

Santa came early on Christmas Eve 2009 for the embattled Democrats of the Senate who passed the Obama Healthcare bill as expected.

Being forced to buy healthcare by the U.S. government will hardly be seen as a gift from Santa by the citizens of this country and even now, some republicans are planning to test the constitutionality of the bill.

Special sweetheart deals for Florida and Connecticut are overshadowed by what may be the most expensive and openly public bribe in U.S. history for the state of Nebraska. The Corn Husker’s are mostly insulted by Sen. Nelsons last minute deal to circumvent paying some 100 million dollars a year to help foot the costs of the bill but even the Governor of that state, Dave Heineman, says Nebraskans don’t want this kind of exclusion.

Republicans have vowed to fight on in both the last bit of work to reconcile the House and Senate differences in the bill and more importantly with legal challenges and actions intended to question the constitutionality of the bill. Representatives from both the House and Senate have been getting onboard the idea of testing the bills legality; the latest among them is Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., who on Tuesday Dec 22, 2009 renewed the call to others who are doubtful, to check the constitutionality of the bill.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R- Ala., has indicated that the Constitution may have been violated because the understanding of the constitution is that the government must play a limited role in the commerce and free trade of the nation. Forcing people to buy health care is anything but limited and may clearly be seen to most Americans as a step toward a complete takeover of their rights and free enterprise as it has been for over two centuries.

The Senate Democrats have ignored the will of the people with their wrangling and wresting of this bill to a vote that could not fail because of the majority of seats and sweetheart last minute deals. It is a bill with other costs attached. Taxpayers will be asked to pick up the tab eventually but the happy days of the Democrats will most certainly come to an abrupt halt in the 2010 elections. Here is where the Democrats will have to pick up the rest of the costs in dozens of defeats in the polls. Many political careers will come to an abrupt halt in 2010 and Christmas next year will produce a lot of coal in the stockings of the Dem’s.

Should the Supremes enter the fray? There are those who would carry it all the way to that, but in today’s climate of spineless adherence to the newly worshipped deity of ‘change’ there is a great deal of doubt about whether the most honorable have enough collective backbone to give it an honest look see. Who could have seen a day when what is most popular instead of what is honorable would be the guiding force of the nation?

MTV has revealed the video and proud proclamation of the youth organization called "Rock the Vote." The video asks that sexual favors be withheld from anyone not willing to support the Obama healthcare bill. Some see it as a reprieve on the promulgation of STDs and a moratorium on unbridled immorality. Others have suggested that it is a chance to clear up the gene pool at least for a while.

The Rock the Vote video objectifies women, speaks reams about the shape of America’s MTV generation and leaves a taste in the mouth something like a rotten egg. It seems to prove that even with all that is new in packaging, advertising and marketing the contents of the latest treats should still be checked for an expiration date. It also proves that there is still very often a fine line and a short space between proclamation and regurgitation.

So will the Supreme Court take up the question of the healthcare bills constitutionality? We might want to refer that question to the birthers who after enduring almost two years of public ridicule are still looking for one honest judge to give them and the American public the right to glance at the real Obama birth certificate. The BC is only one of about twenty or so other documents about Obama’s past that remain mysteriously albeit conspicuously missing from anything that might be construed as an open and public record on Mr. Transparency.

Already heard loud and clear are the voices of the Democratic holy trinity of Obama, Reid and Pelosi referring to the Senate passage of the bill as history in the making. Getting out ahead of themselves again and failing to note that the terror of 9/11, hurricane Katrina and the recent attack on servicemen at Ft. Hood are also history. If the bill remains in check the costs passed on to America will also make history and the only holy thing about that will be the holes in the socks of those who can’t afford to pay for it.

This is a victory of the Democratic House and Senate that will indeed make history but it will be filed in our national annuls as a victory without honor.

It is well known that Abraham Lincoln was at times referred to as the prophet President, but perhaps we should include patriot John Adams in the list of founders with powers of divination. Could Adams have been looking into the future all the way up to the Christmas of 2009 when he said "In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress."

The skullduggery, the back room deals and all of the elements that were engaged to ram this bill down the throats of an unwilling citizenry have drawn remarks from statesmen and ordinary citizens across the nation. Words like bribery, tyranny, foul and worse have popped up repeatedly in those reactions.

Now let one old preacher be forgiven for what might be construed as excessive iteration by using yet one more negative term to define the behavior of the House and Senate. I will borrow both the term and its use in its own context from a Bible verse I have quoted all too much of late. The word is "wicked." The context in which it is found is as follows.

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Pr 29:1, 2) has since 2005 featured the articles of Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.


Senate,passage,health care,Sen. Nelson,Dave Heineman,corn huskers,Nebraska,Sen. Jeff Sessions,Alabama,Sen John Ensign, Nevada,bribery, tyranny, foul,old preacher,wicked,Obama,Reid,Pelosi,victory without honor,birthers,transparency