
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sen. Santa Claus: Majority Leader Reid Hands Out Cash For Cloture Votes

December 24, 2009 – Washington, DC – Andrea Lafferty, TVC (Traditional Values Coalition) Executive Director released this statement today following passage of the Obama-Reid government-run health care bill:

“At a time when most Americans are thinking about the celebration of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, Senator Harry Reid was using bribes, extortion, threats, and secrecy to ram through Obama’s socialized medicine plan. Reid has been handing out cash bribes like Santa Claus hands out candy canes at the Macy’s Day parade.

“President Obama, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) should be condemned by every American for the passage of legislation that will nationalize health care, provide unprecedented government funded abortion, and destroy the finest medical system in the world.

“Sen. Reid and his leftist cronies ignored the clear will of the American people by ramming through a bill that no one had read and that will cost trillions of dollars in the years ahead.

“King Harry and Emperor Obama may be smirking over their 60-39 win in the Senate, but the American people will have their say in 2010. There will be a lot of replacements in the House and Senate next year – thanks to Obama’s fanatical quest to nationalize every aspect of our nation’s business sector. We will not stand by and watch Obama and his socialist friends in the Congress destroy capitalism and use taxpayers as the ATM machine for the abortion industry.”