
Monday, December 14, 2009

Obama, Reid, Pelosi On Wild Spending Binge - With Your Money

By TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty

Obama, Reid, Pelosi On Wild Spending Binge – With Your MoneyThe Democrat Party, which controls the Senate, House, and Executive Branch, is on one of the wildest spending binges in American history. And, there’s no end in sight.

No project is too expensive; no Medicare cuts too steep; no pork barrel project too outrageous for these drunken spenders. They have the American taxpayer credit card and they’re running up incredible and unsustainable debt for future generations.

The Washington Examiner points out that the national debt will have exploded to approximately $14 trillion or 30% higher than it was a year ago. The debt burden on each family will go up $1,500 annually.

Now, so they can spend even more of your hard-earned money, the Democrats have raised the national debt limit by $1.8 trillion and have rung up a deficit of $1.42 trillion during Obama’s first year in office.

The House rammed through a $447 billion spending bill last week that includes more than 5,000 earmarks, which brings the total this year to 7,577. The total cost of these earmarks is $6 billion!

In addition, the House has given itself an 8.4% pay raise. Did you get an 8.4% raise this year? I doubt it.

Obama has increased the size of the federal government by 64% since taking office, the largest increase in at least three decades. What benefit has this been to the average Joe who is unemployed?

The Obama/Reid/Pelosi binge spenders are wildly out of control with your tax money. They must be stopped before they collapse our entire system of government.

How can they be stopped? By relentless and sustained citizen outrage, lobbying pressure, and the vote.

Our Founding Fathers constructed a system of government with checks and balances. Fortunately, we can still vote the binge spenders out of office and that’s what must be done if our nation is to survive three more years of Obama’s collectivist plans for our nation. 

Get to work. Time is running out.