Gordon Bishop On The Issues

To get Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu to vote on his massive 2,000-plus pages of "health care "for all Americans," Obama simply gave Louisiana $300 million. Nice payoff!
Ben Nelson, a conservative Nebraska Democrat, also got a free medical plan for his State after he voted for the Marxist health care legislation being pushed through Congress before Christmas by President Obama.
This could only happen because of Obama's crooked Chicago political machine. It's known as "The Chicago Way."
The Chicago Way is illegal, illegitimate and a fraud that is sacking our federal government for all its worth.
It's too late to do anything because Obama economics already has pushed up the federal debt to more than $12 trillion -- and he's been in office less than a year, thanks to millions of ignorant young voters who are clueless when it comes to government shenanigans.
Ignorance (or Marxism, or both) is rapidly turning America into an Islamic, Communist nation.
Unless we save America before the great economic collapse next year, we've first got to get rid of our fraudulent "Pretender" -- Barack Hussein Obama.
As I compose this column, I really miss GEORGE W. BUSH.
That's right! Bush kept America safe for 7 years after the first terrorist attack on the USA on 9/11/01
Under Obama, I (and millions of other 'thinkers'), do not feel as safe under the current Presidency.
Obama must go -- NOW!

We need, immediately, a second American Revolution. The first revolution in 1776 gave birth to the United States of America (all 13 colonies at that time).
We really need to find another Ronald Reagan to lead this huge revolution that can rid the White House of this fake, phony Pretender.
This guy is a classic fool. He is spending hundreds of millions of dollars flying all over the globe in the highly expensive "Air Force One" super-jet airline, driving up our national debt and driving down the value of our dollar, which is now worth a miserable 20 cents.
You might want to call it the "Value of Barack Obama" -- an almost worthless 20 cents.
Yes, Obama is a worthless Pretender, not fit to lead America in the 21st Century.
Thanks to the Far Left Liberal Democrat Party and liberal media, we are stuck with this lame African American who is self-indulgent when it comes to high-end living, again, at our expense.
I'm still waiting, after more than a year, for Obama to produce his birth certificate.
Why won't he just give his birth certificate to the United States Supreme Court for examination?

Since Obama announced two years ago that he was going to run for president, my investment portfolio is no longer worth $229 thousand. It's down to $$150 thousand.
So much for working all my life (from age 16 to 72) to find your retirement (Nest Egg)vanishing before your eyes.
I can't afford this radical Marxist!
America cannot afford this ACORN crook from Chicago.
So what are waiting for?
The "Silent Majority" should be marching in the streets of Washington, D.C., and demanding a recount of the 2008 election to find out how many fraudulent votes were cast by ACORN in some 13 States?
America used to be known as the "Sleeping Giant."
What happened to this "Sleeping Giant?"
It's been brainwashed by the liberal media into accepting Marxism and Communism, rather than FREEDOM & LIBERTY.
All I can say, as usual, is: God Bless America!"
(Gordon Bishop is a 'Who's Who in the World' national award-winning author, historian, syndicated columnist and New Jersey's First "Journalist-of-the-Year"--1986/New Jersey Press Association, founded in 1857. His 14th book will be released January 13 -- Afraid to Live, Afraid to Die).