
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Hope and Change" Through Lies


The ability of common citizens to link up and share news of this nature, despite the derision of the political “establishment” and its media lackeys, has completely altered the manner in which these battles are fought.

Christopher G. Adamo

Outrage over the suppressed data refuting “global warming” at the East Anglia Institute in England, now spans the world. Though as a result of a liberal media “blackout,” news of the event currently remains primarily confined among the intellectually honest participants in the climate debate.

Nevertheless, with each passing day, ever increasing numbers of common citizens are realizing that every aspect of their lives, from the nature of the vehicles they own to the type of lighting that will be “allowed” them by their beneficent government, is being dictated by a hoax bearing no more substance than the “Bermuda Triangle.”

Yet the global warming hucksters continue, as if the cooked and contrived data records and suppression of inconvenient facts debunking the motion of rising global temperatures were never uncovered. These eco-alarmists are compelled to do so. They have too much invested in this fraud, and it has been far too lucrative for them in the past to simply abandon it merely because it has been wholly discredited. But their seemingly confident public front belies an undercurrent of panic and desperation. Keep a straight face, continue demanding “funds” for further research and advocacy, and hope for a perpetuation of the revolving door of government monies and increased political power to continue business as usual.

Barack Obama is attending the Copenhagen climate summit on that very premise. Were he actually concerned with the best interests of this country, he would immediately empanel an investigative team to determine the truth of “climate change.” But in light of the recently publicized evidence, such a course would certainly find “global warming” to be a myth, and thus would dispel the incentives for bigger and more powerful governments to invade and manage every detail of the lives of their citizenry. And such a world, in which the state acquires unbridled power, has emerged as the true Obama agenda.

When a political movement uses lies and fraud to advance a stated cause, it should be self-evident that the “cause” is of no real concern, but only a means of gaining leverage for an ulterior agenda. Such is the only plausible conclusion that can be drawn from this revelation of total fraud at the highest levels of the “global warming” advocacy.

Even a cursory examination of liberalism, and how it has operated in this country over the past several decades, indicates that massive deception is the standard weaponry by which the movement advances. But though the brazen dishonesty is outrageous and infuriating, it also represents the “soft underbelly” of this incursion. For at the moment each ruse is exposed, even with the frustration of competing against a thoroughly corrupted nightly news, its principal members are compelled to run for cover.

The “sting” operation of James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, who uncovered widespread corruption in the leftist organization ACORN some months ago, is a sterling example. O’Keefe and Giles, private citizens who received no funds or backing for their effort, took on a well-funded and well-connected organization that has successfully conducted election fraud and other illicit activity on a massive scale throughout the nation. The result was that ACORN was put to flight, and lost significant congressional funding (Though Eric Holder, the similarly corrupted U.S. Attorney General, now contends that the organization is entitled to some of those funds.).

Who can forget the fraud from the left during the 2004 presidential election? CBS news producer Mary Mapes along with Bill Burkett, brought to national attention a supposed letter from one of George Bush’s superior officers, disparaging his conduct when he was in the Texas Air National Guard,. Upon a cursory investigation, that letter turned out to be as phony as the mass extinction of polar bears. By liberal standards, Bush’s behavior while in the military was being judged on the basis of a blatant fabrication.

Meanwhile, across the aisle, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry was campaigning against Bush as a great hero of the Vietnam War. Kerry’s record of receiving three Purple Hearts for battlefield “injuries,” during barely four months of service, was hardly questioned by the liberal media.

Nevertheless, a group Kerry’s compatriots, who knew the truth of his “deeds,” banded together and formed the “Swiftboat Veterans For Truth.”

This organization proceeded to disseminate a strikingly different account of Kerry’s real performance during his brief tour of duty.

As disinterested as were the major media players in any serious examination of Kerry’s record, they immediately sought to undermine and discredit the Swiftboat Veterans. To this day, “Swiftboating” is used by the left as synonymous with character assassination through the orchestrated telling of lies. Unfortunately for the left however, this situation presents them a problem.

Regardless of how fiercely they attacked the Swiftvets, no evidence whatsoever of inaccuracies in their accounts of the Kerry Vietnam tour could be established. In fact, it was Kerry who insisted on clearing his record, but never made the effort to get the truth out. In fact, his military records remain sealed to this day.

So it will be with the burgeoning “climate change” scandal. The evidence of a methodically implemented scam is ample, and being widely distributed throughout the world. Those on the “inside” who perpetrated this, the biggest fraud in history, will continue to make their claims as if the truth was never uncovered. Any who question the veracity of such claims will be demeaned and ridiculed, in hopes that they will simply get discouraged and eventually go away.

However, this is not the world of the statist propaganda monopolies of the past. The ability of common citizens to link up and share news of this nature, despite the derision of the political “establishment” and its media lackeys, has completely altered the manner in which these battles are fought. The left is on the run. And as is invariably the case, it is running from the truth.

Christopher G. Adamo has been active in Wyoming politics for many years and is a managing partner in Best American Buy (, an e-commerce business that markets American made products including the incomparable Abigail Adams Bedspread Set from Bates Mills. Contact information for Chris Adamo, and his archives, can be found at