
Friday, December 11, 2009

Chai Feldblum, Obama's Highly Controversial EEOC Nominee, Gets Senate Committee Nod

Chai Feldblum Obama's Highly Controversial EEOC Nominee Gets Senate Committee Nod December 11, 2009 – TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty continues to lead the fight against the highly controversial nomination of Chai Feldblum to be a Commissioner at the (EEOC) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  Hundreds of pro-family groups and individuals signed the letter that Traditional Values Coalition circulated, which was sent to the Senate and media.  TVC's message points, in opposition to Feldblum, are being used by media outlets and other pro-family groups.

As part of her lobby effort, Andrea Lafferty attended the vote on Feldblum late Thursday afternoon, which was no easy feat. Due to the health care debate/votes in the Senate, the vote on Feldblum's nomination was not held in the normal committee room but in a small ornate room directly off of the Senate floor.  Andrea was privileged to be there, as she was the only eyes and ears representing the opposition. 

In spite of voluminous evidence in her writings and speeches, that Feldblum has no respect for religious liberty and advocated for bizarre and culture-altering policies, she was voted out of committee.  President Obama’s   nominee wants to impose her distorted ideology on American businesses, church leaders, parents and even children.

Fortunately, four Republican Senators expressed concerns over Feldblum’s nomination to the EEOC. They were: Sen. Roberts (KS); Sen. Coburn (OK), Sen. Burr (NC); and Sen. Isakson (GA).

Her nomination now moves to the Senate floor where there will be a fight over her confirmation.  There is still time to contact your U.S. Senators to urge them to vote down her confirmation.  (Tell a Friend)

Feldblum’s appointment to the EEOC could be a stepping stone to the Supreme Court where she will serve a life-time appointment. 

TAKE ACTION: Urge your Senators to vote NO on Feldblum to become an EEOC member.

Additional Resources:
Obama’s Bizarre EEOC Nominee on Fast Track
Chai Feldblum Is Long-Time Supporter Of Polyamory – Multiple Sex Partners
Highly Controversial EEOC Nominee Chai Feldblum Thinks Polyamory is a Sidekick of Pippi Longstocking