
Monday, November 23, 2009

Obamas radical choice causes commotion


The Obama administration has nominated yet another controversial individual.

Chai Feldblum (Obama EEOC appointee)Activist attorney Chai Feldblum has been nominated to fill a position on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Her nomination caught the attention of the Traditional Values Coalition. TVC executive director Andrea Lafferty explains why her organization is concerned.

"[Feldblum] signed onto a statement called 'Beyond Marriage,' and it's a radical statement that some people have inaccurately described... as supporting polygamy," says Latterty. "It is not polygamy that she supports, but polyamory."

Andrea Lafferty (Traditional Values Coalition)Polyamory is the practice of having more than one conjugal partner in a relationship of any makeup. The document also supports "queer couples" who decide to jointly create a child with another "queer couple" in two households. Lafferty notes that at Feldblum's hearing, the nominee said she made a mistake by signing the document.

"This is a bunch of bologna," Lafferty contends. "Chai Feldblum is a lawyer, and she knew exactly what she was signing when she signed it in 2006."

The executive director points out that Feldblum also supports abolishing freedom of religion, reporting that "she also has said that...when it comes into conflict with the free exercise of religion, sexual liberty should win."

According to Lafferty, Feldblum could be nominated to the Supreme Court in the future.