
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) Threatens the Practice of Religion & Our Nation's Children


The House may be voting on passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) as soon as early December before the Christmas recess.  Only grassroots action can protect religious liberty.   

ENDA is a direct assault on the constitutionally guaranteed free exercise of religion.   This means that you can have a belief in your heart but not practice it. 

It is key legislation favored by the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) lobby to gain federally-protected minority status for sexual behaviors that most Americans consider bizarre or abnormal.

ENDA (S. 1584) will force all businesses, schools, and other enterprises in America with 15 or more employees to submit to the LGBT political agenda.

ENDA will force businesses, public schools (pre-kindergarten through 12th grade), as well as Christian entities such as religious broadcasters, Christian bookstores, etc., to accommodate the sexual practices of cross-dressers, drag queens, transsexuals, and even she-males (individuals who undergo only a partial sex change operation). Will private Christian entities such as camps, pre-schools, grade and high schools, be forced to hire she-males? Under ENDA it is likely.

Make no mistake about it: ENDA will also directly target public schools and help fuel the LGBT agenda on campuses. Imagine a school teacher telling students he’s returning the next year as a woman. Will parents be free to opt their children out of a transsexual’s class? NO.  Parents are already prevented from doing so by a similar law in California.  Additionally, a recent Massachusetts court decision jailed a parent who disagreed with homosexual teaching in his child’s elementary school.  Will children who are offended be considered bigots who need re-education?  Probably, yes.

ENDA will federalize the sexual insanity taking place in California schools – thanks to a LGBT-dominated legislature and compliant governor. Children in California schools are captive to the LGBT political agenda. If ENDA passes, transsexuals, drag queens, cross-dressers and she-males will be federally-protected minority groups and can freely exploit our nation’s public school kids. 

ENDA is proposing newly invented rights for individuals who engage in a variety of bizarre sex acts. ENDA pits constitutional rights of religious freedom and free speech against individuals who cross-dress or engage in dangerous sexual activities.

Openly gay Obama appointee John Berry runs Office of Personnel Management, which is the federal government’s personnel agency. He recently gave a speech at a LGBT conference and said that ENDA is the most important piece of legislation the LGBT movement can get passed.


It is vital that you do two things:

  1. Contact your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators and ask that they OPPOSE any version of ENDA that is considered!  Send an e:mail and/or call, (202) 224-3121. 
  2. Forward this to all your email lists. Only grassroots action can protect religious liberty. Your Members of Congress are busy.  If they don’t hear from us, they won’t think it is important.

Additional Resources:
TVCELI Special Report: S. 1584, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
(The House version of ENDA is essentially the same as the Senate version)
TVCELI Special Report: H.R. 3017, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Senate Moves to ENDA Religious Freedom