
Thursday, November 19, 2009

EEOC Nominee Ghostwrites New Liberty Into the Constitution Violates the Free Exercise of Religion

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EEOC Nominee Ghostwrites New Liberty Into the Constitution Violates the Free Exercise of Religion

Traditional Values Coalition strongly opposes the nomination of Chai Feldblum to become a Commissioner on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Feldblum has published numerous legal papers that clearly show her out-of-mainstream views on the First Amendment and religious liberty. If confirmed to the EEOC, Feldblum will use her power to strip nearly all First Amendment rights of free exercise of religion from Christian business owners. She would exploit her position on the EEOC to use the force of government to change the social norms of private institutions.

Feldblum has spent her entire career working to impose the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) agenda on America. Feldblum earned a B.A. from Barnard College and a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1985. She currently teaches gay/gender law at Georgetown University Law School. She formerly worked as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun; legislative council for the AIDS Project of the American Civil Liberties Union; served as legal director for the Campaign for Military Service; founded the Workplace Flexibility 2010 project; and the Moral Values Project. All of her efforts have been directed at promoting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender sexual behaviors as “good” and to force Americans to affirm these sexual activities.

Feldblum is the primary author of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a pro-LGBT bill that will impose draconian regulations on all businesses with 15 or more employees. As a member of the EEOC, Feldblum will ruthlessly enforce ENDA against American businessmen, educators, Christian media companies, Christian day camps, preschools and more.

Her confirmation to the EEOC will be a steppingstone to the U.S Supreme Court where she will have a lifetime appointment.

Reasons to Oppose Chai Feldblum’s Nomination:

  • Feldblum clearly believes the free exercise of religion should be violated. 

She has openly stated that when there is a clash been religious freedom and the LGBT agenda:

“Sexual liberty should win in most cases. There can be a conflict between religious liberty and sexual liberty, but in almost all cases the sexual liberty should win because that's the only way that the dignity of gay people can be affirmed in any realistic manner.” (Maggie Gallagher, Weekly Standard, 2006).

According to Feldblum, a person’s religious beliefs (what she calls “belief liberty”) can be violated if they conflict with a compelling government interest in preventing discrimination against a group of individuals. She has dumbed down the free exercise of religion and called it “belief liberty.”

Feldblum concocted the term “identity liberty” to describe gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons and their alleged “rights” under the Constitution.

She believes that “identity liberty” should routinely trump “[religious] belief identity” when there are legal clashes.

Feldblum subverts the First Amendment’s constitutional guarantee of the free exercise of religion by claiming that “identity/sexual” liberty is of equal value.  She also writes that: A belief derived from a religious faith should be accorded no more weight -– and no less weight -– than a belief derived from a non-religious source.”  (Moral Conflict And Liberty: Gay Rights And Religion, page 32) This is in direct conflict with the First Amendment.

Engaging in gay sex acts isn’t the same as a person’s exercise of religious liberty under the Constitution. And, she wants these LGBT behaviors to trump a person’s constitutionally guaranteed right to the free exercise of religion.  Clearly, Feldblum believes that religious people only have the right to “think” about their faith, not actually practice it in public or in commerce.

Feldblum ignores the fact that our Founding Fathers came to America to practice religious freedom, not just “believe” it. The First Amendment in the Constitution was created to guarantee this right to “practice” religious belief.

Thomas Jefferson said it well: “I consider the government of the United States as interdicted [prohibited] by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions…or exercises.” —Letter to Samuel Millar, 1808

  • Feldblum believes that any Christian-owned business owner loses his religious freedom when he engages in commerce, thus dismissing the First Amendment which specifically states “Free expression or practice.” 

She is an opponent of religious liberty for any person of faith who is involved in business enterprises.  She opposes religious exemptions in federal legislation dealing with lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transgenders in the workplace.

As a general matter, once a religious person or institution enters into the stream of commerce … I believe the enterprise must adhere to a norm of nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity,” says Feldblum. (Moral Conflict And Liberty: Gay Rights And Religion, page 47.)

This statement shows an example of this belief:

“Thus, for all my sympathy for the evangelical Christian couple who may wish to run a bed and breakfast from which they can exclude unmarried straight couples and all gay couples, this is a point where I believe the “zero sum” nature of the game inevitably comes into play. And, in making the decision in this zero sum game, I am convinced society should come down on the side of protecting the liberty of LGBT people. Once an individual chooses to enter the stream of economic commerce by opening commercial establishment, I believe it is legitimate to require that they play by certain rules.” (Moral Conflict And Liberty: Gay Rights And Religion, page 46.)

  • Feldblum denies that the Boy Scout have the right to set its own moral standards as a private organization.

According to Feldblum, the Supreme Court got it wrong in the Dale v. Boy Scouts case. In this decision, the Court ruled that the Scouts had the right to set its own moral standards. Feldblum says the Court should have examined whether or not the state could legitimately burden the Scouts with an anti-discrimination law based on sexual orientation. She wanted the Scouts to be forced to accept gay Scout leaders and members and should have no exemption based on the Scouts’ traditional moral standards. (Feldblum, Moral Conflict And Liberty: Gay Rights And Religion.)

  • Feldblum wants to “reframe the narrow terms of marriage”.  In 2006, she signed on to the bizarre “Beyond Same-Marriage,” a statement advocating for polyamory:

    • Committed, loving households in which there is more than one conjugal partner

    • Queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple, in two households

Feldblum wants the concept of traditional marriage to be redefined to include any groupings of individuals involved in sexual relations and/or non-sexual relations. She rejects the concept of traditional marriage in favor of polyamory – where three or more men and women engaged in sex acts is considered a “marriage.” Traditional marriage will become meaningless if Feldblum achieves her goals.

According to Feldblum:

I, for one, am not sure whether marriage is a normatively good institution. I have moved away from the belief that marriage is clearly the best normative way to structure intimate relationships…” She supports the idea that any number of men and/or women living together can be married to each other. She “argues that cultural prescriptions enforcing monogamy obfuscate individual needs and impede self-identification, thereby interfering with real intimacy and satisfaction in love relationships.” (Feldblum, “Rectifying The Tilt.”)

Feldblum’s support of polyamory undermines traditional marriage, and can she can be expected to prosecute landlords who object to renting an apartment to an assortment of LGBT individuals who consider themselves “married.”

This is clearly out-of-the-mainstream thinking. Most Americans still believe in one-man, one-woman marriage – not an assortment of individuals engaging in sex acts with each other as “marriage.”

  • Feldblum’s ENDA Targets Public Schools

Our nation’s public school children will be a primary target for her bizarre sexual agenda.  We know this is true because she is the primary author of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

ENDA will federalize the GLBT agenda.  This legislation – if passed -- will force schools (PreK-12) to comply with the strict rules in ENDA, which call for the normalization and affirmation of gay, bisexual, lesbian, and transgender behaviors. In fact, the bill even has a section in it on how schools and businesses must deal with restroom and shower facility concerns for cross-dressers and transsexuals.

Our public school children will be exposed to Feldblum’s radical sexual agenda. Her rulings on ENDA will force them to affirm GLBT teachers. In addition, children will be forced to learn that “gay marriage” or even polyamory are legitimate forms of “marriage” in our culture.

  • Feldblum admits that “gay sex” is viewed with disfavor by a majority of Americans. Her views are clearly out of the mainstream.

“The reality is that most people in this country do not believe that homosexuality is morally equivalent to heterosexuality. Indeed, a clear majority of the public believes that it is ‘better’ to be heterosexual than homosexual, ‘better for individuals to be in long-term heterosexual relationships, rather than long-term homosexual relationships, and ‘better’ for children to be brought up in families headed by a heterosexual couple, rather than a homosexual relationship.” (Feldblum, Rectifying The Tilt.)

To change morality in American, she believes it is her duty to revolutionize social norms.

At a UCLA conference several years ago, Feldblum stated that her goal was to “revolutionize social norms” in our society by teaching all Americans that “gay sex is good.” As part of this goal of revolutionizing social norms, she has started the Moral Values Project, which is designed to redefine what “morality” is in America.

Clearly, her goal is to replace Judeo-Christian morality with amorality. Her amorality upholds a variety of bizarre sexual partnerships and is designed to push lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender sexual lifestyles.

Feldblum has stated she wants to change the American workplace and revolutionize social norms. She is on a mission to subvert the First Amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion and to overturn Judeo-Christian values in America – values that have given us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, religious liberty and a sound legal system.

Instead of being an unbiased referee on the EEOC, she would be a radical activist who would use the force of government to implement aggressive and intrusive employment non-discrimination laws to benefit the LGBT political agenda.

Feldblum is an enemy of the free exercise of religion and should not be confirmed.