
Monday, October 26, 2009

Support Gen. McChrystal, Defeat Terror!

By Oscar Y. Harward

Late September or early October, U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, requested an additional 50,000 new troops in Afghanistan.

Last week, former Vice President Cheney stated President Obama was ‘dithering’ on his solemn responsibility.

President Obama’s Press Secretary Gibbs calls Obama’s solemn responsibility to the men and women in uniform and to the American public. Sen. John Kerry and others advise Obama to wait until after the November 7, 2009 results for Afghanistan’s Presidential election runoff between current President Hamid Karzai and former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah.

Afghanistan’s runoff election has little or nothing to do with Obama’s delay in sending Gen. McChrystal’s request for addition troops. Obama’s delayed decision of sending more troops may be based on the November 3rd. Governors’ elections in Virginia and New Jersey, as well as the special election in New York’s 23rd. Congressional District.

A majority of Americans want President Obama to follow the request for support of Gen. McChrystal, and sending the additional troops. The left-wing support of the Democrat Party would like for Obama to pull all American troops out of Afghanistan. To send the additional troops, as requested, the left wing of the Democrats on Capitol Hill will oppose Obama. Democrats decision wouldo leave Afghanistan a homeland for terrorists to cultivate, and for terrorism to expand throughout the world.

America and the world must defeat the Taliban and Al Quieda, wherever these thugs operate, in an effort to be determined these terrorists never operate in our nation, our communities, or on our streets.

Obama must support his own appointee, General Stanley McChrystal, to defeat the terrorists and all terrorism, not to play American political games with our troops. Support America and our troops. Do not allow partisan politics to surmount our freedoms around the world.