
Sunday, October 4, 2009

President Obama and the Far Left

by Bill O'Reilly

You've got to love Michael Moore. He's running around promoting his new film that says capitalism is a terrible system, a rotten to the core philosophy. But hold it. Didn't Moore have to raise money to make the movie through capitalistic vehicles? Or did his dad give him the dough?

In one of his many interviews, Moore began lecturing President Obama: "You are one of us. ... This is not the time to be the representative of the private health insurance industry. We need you to stand up. ... And we want universal health care for every single American, and we want it controlled in a single payer system..."

Wow, anything else, Mike?

I'd love to know how President Obama feels about being told what to do by the likes of Michael Moore, a man who admires the Cuban political system. I'd like to believe the president tunes out radical stuff, but there is growing evidence that he does not.

When asked about the ACORN scandal, Obama said he wasn't paying much attention to it. Hard to believe, but possible. He also said he had more important things to worry about. True, but you can walk and chew gum at the same time. The president should have condemned the corruption at ACORN, a group that fervently supports him. But the president did not.

The far left also wants out of Afghanistan, continuing to believe that al-Qaida and other terrorists can be contained by simply ignoring their presence. At first, Obama labeled Afghanistan a "war of necessity." Now, he can't decide whether to honor his commanding general's request for more troops there. Is Obama listening to the radical left on the issue?

And then there's the loopy Center for American Progress run by Obama adviser John Podesta. They want a huge value-added tax dumped on consumers in order to pay for entitlements. A VAT would pick your pocket when you buy things. That would hurt working Americans big-time.

Didn't Obama promise not to raise taxes on working people? I believe he did. But the far left doesn't seem to care about that and is pushing the president to hike taxes.

So the picture is pretty clear. The president remains under pressure from the far left to radically change the country. But all the polls say that most Americans don't want radical change. They don't believe in it, to use an Obama platitude.

President Clinton faced the same pressure in the early 1990s but manned up. He disappointed the radical left with welfare reform and a number of other moderate/right positions. He was easily re-elected in 1996.

But I'll make a prediction: Barack Obama will not be re-elected if he continues dancing on the far left side of the floor. Michael Moore and his crew speak for a very few Americans. Thank God.