
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One Czar Gone

By Wells Sommer

Thanks, Mr. Glen Beck, FOX News! Where’s the rest of our News Media? Better still where are the “Experts” we elected to represent us, ones who took an Oath to ‘defend and protect our Constitution against enemies domestic and foreign?’ Nothing from the Great Defenders of our First Amendment either, i.e., “Drive-by Media” - local and national Newspapers, TV outlets like, NY Times, CNN, MSMBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNBC etc., why only FOX News, talk radio and GT? Who’s the Propagandist for our government or the responsible News Reporting Outlets? Wanna guess?

I didn’t mean to ignore you “MSMBC, CNN, etc., followers on what’s happened. Mr. Van Jones, an Avowed Radical Marxist, hired by Mr. Obama, as his “Green Czar” - Cap and Trade Bill, job consultant? “Resigned” September 12, Mr. Glen Beck, Fox News - Nightly 5:00 P.M. Eastern - exposed him for what he is, a Radical Marxist  - Communist – hired by and working in “our” White House, as advisor to “our” President? Disgusting, he’s our “Commander in Chief?” He’s hiring “his friends,” admitted Marxist, as “consultants,” to work in “our” White House? Elected “experts,” isn’t this conduct/action unacceptable by any President, where are you?

Thanks Mr. Beck for exposing our President for what he is attempting to do to our Constitution, Freedoms and our Capitalist form of government. America owes you and FOX News a great debt of gratitude!  One down, about 45 more Czars too go that Mr. Obama hired, pays with our tax money, to destroy our Nation, a parallel government to our Cabinet Members, no approval needed? HEY, elected “experts,” think it’s about time you woke-up?

You happy you voted for “change?” We tell our children, “you’re known by the company you keep, choose your friends carefully.” Majority of you sure didn’t listen! I want my grandchildren and great grandchildren to know the “freedoms” I enjoyed growing up in the greatest nation on earth! Would be nice if all - “Americans” - believed in protecting, defending what God, Family, Country stands for and has been defended for more than two hundred years, some paying the ultimate price, that we could experience “Freedom,” know the value/importance of worshiping God, of our choice, owning a gun, what Freedom of Speech, Choice and Thought is and means to us/our Nation! “Freedom is Not Free!” It’s our choice, speak-up and defend our “Freedoms,” or follow that “Book of Stupid,” I know, “its George and Wal-Mart’s fault?” God Help us! Thanks 9-12ers and T.E.A.Baggers for speaking up, God Bless America!