
Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama’s ‘Transparency’ Behind Closed Doors?

By Andrea Lafferty

When President Obama was on the campaign trail last year, he repeatedly promised that his legislative actions would be transparent and open. In fact, he promised that legislation would be posted on the Internet for 72 hours before a vote. He also promised that legislative debates on health care reform would be telecast on C-SPAN.

What happened? During the past week, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and a gaggle of other "progressive" legislators have been in secret meetings on Capitol Hill to craft a health care bill that will nationalize our health care system – cost billions – and still leave millions underinsured.

Did Obama renege on his "transparency" pledge? It looks like it. He's reneged because he knows most Americans like their health insurance coverage and don't want to be drafted into a government-run system. They don't want to be punished by Big Brother if they don't get coverage. And, they are deeply concerned about the trillion dollar price tag of this socialist plan to destroy private health insurance in America.

Obama is acting more like a Soviet bureaucrat than a man who believes in the democratic process. His cronies are acting like Chicago union bosses.

House Republicans are outraged by all of the secrecy surrounding the Democrats' operating in secret to take over 1/6th of our economy. They've recently produced a video that very effectively expresses this concern. Take a look it and pass this blog along to your friends and associates.

And, demand that no health care proposal be passed that nationalizes health care or punishes Americans who don't want to purchase health insurance. No plan is better than a bad plan – and every Democrat proposal so far has been bad for Americans, bad for our economy and bad for the finest health system in the world.

Additional Resources:
Secret No More: Obama's True Health Care Plan Unmasked
Democrat Health Bill Described As 'Incomprehensible'
New Light Shed On Tax-Funded Abortion Hidden In Health Care Bill (H.R. 3200)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky Shows Her Two Faces On Health Care Reform
President Obama Puts Lipstick On A Health Care Pig
Entire Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200 Is THE 'Death Panel'
Co-op/Public Option = Government-Run Health Care
Democrat Health Care Bill Creates 53 New Federal Bureaucracies