
Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize??? For What???

Surprise Nobel Win, Just 37 Weeks Into Presidency, Draws Praise, Scorn, Bafflement


The Nobel committee provoked surprise, delight, and indignation around the globe Friday by awarding its Peace Prize to President Barack Obama -- with the recipient himself calling it less a recognition of his accomplishments than a "call to action."

The Norwegian Nobel Committee cited the 48-year-old president's creation of a "new climate in international politics" and his work on nuclear disarmament. "His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population," the committee said.

The award to Mr. Obama just 37 weeks into his presidency stunned much of official Washington, and drew a range of reactions world-wide. "So soon? Too early," said former Polish President Lech Walesa, who won the peace prize in 1983. "He has no contribution so far. He is only beginning to act."

Said John Bolton, who served as ambassador to the United Nations under former President George W. Bush: "It is indicative of the politicization of the Nobel Peace Prize process. This just carries it to the n-th degree."

Supporters said the award affirmed the vision the president brought to office, one that is popular overseas. Former President Jimmy Carter, who won the 2002 Peace Prize, called it "a bold statement of international support for his vision and commitment."

The prize also inspired heated debate about whether it would give Mr. Obama a boost at a difficult political moment or be a liability for a president whom opponents have criticized for having more "star power" than substance. At home, the administration is grappling with challenges ranging from high unemployment to a soaring federal deficit, while public support for the president has dropped to nearly 50% in polls. Abroad, the White House is rethinking its military strategy in Afghanistan, including the prospect of a big troop increase, while trying to build support for action to stem Iran's nuclear program.

Obama aides said the White House had no time to discuss the ramifications of the prize, good or bad, or how it might alter his presidency or his standing. "There wasn't a lot of time to contemplate the magnitude of this," said senior White House adviser David Axelrod. Mr. Axelrod said he knew nothing of the president's candidacy; it wasn't clear Friday who had nominated him.

Speaking in the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama said he was "deeply humbled" and didn't feel he deserved to be among "so many of the transformative figures who've been honored" by the prize. But he would accept the prize, he said, "as an affirmation of American leadership."

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, who called Mr. Obama at around 6 a.m. to break the news, said the president never considered declining the award, as some critics -- on the left and the right -- began suggesting he do almost immediately.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said Mr. Obama had nothing to fear from raised expectations or possible attacks from critics that the prize outstrips his accomplishments, "because this is associated with the content of his work."

The commitee's decision made Mr. Obama the third sitting U.S. president to win the prize, after Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. It came 45 years after the prize went to Martin Luther King Jr., the last African-American to win.

Recent Peace Prize Winners

2009 -- U.S. President Barack Obama for efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation.

2008 -- Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari for peace work from Namibia to Kosovo.

2007 -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

2006 -- Muhammad Yunus and Bangladesh's Grameen Bank for work to end poverty.

2005 -- The International Atomic Energy Agency and its head, Mohamed ElBaradei.

The committee that chose President Obama is comprised of five Norwegians, mostly former lawmakers and politicians, who are elected to six-year terms by Norway's parliament. The committee received 205 nominations for the peace prize this year, more than ever before.

All nominations had to be submitted by Feb. 1, just 12 days after the president took office. Members of the committee selected him after holding seven meetings and eliminating nominated candidates at each one.

Agot Valle, a Norwegian politician and member of the committee, said in a phone interview that the choice of Mr. Obama was primarily related to his stance on nuclear disarmament. Ms. Valle said the committee last met on Oct. 5, and that the decision to choose him was unanimous. She said his recent work at the United Nations in late September to pass a resolution calling for a strengthened Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty helped his candidacy.

"There is a criticism about the war in Afghanistan, and I understand that," said Ms. Valle. "But this was primarily an award on his work on, and commitment to, nuclear disarmament -- and his dialogue. Of course there will be criticism, because he hasn't achieved his goals yet. It will take time, but this is a support."

It is possible Mr. Obama was nominated by the committee itself, or at least its Social Democrat members. The committee accepts nominations from former peace prize winners; current and former members; members of national governments and parliaments; professors of law, theology, social sciences, history and philosophy; leaders of peace research and foreign affairs institutes; and members of international courts of law.

Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland has been an enthusiastic Obama supporter in Norway. He was recently elected to the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the continent's leading human-rights watchdog, and would like the Nobel committee to play a more political role.

In the handicapping before the announcement, there was no clear favorite, though Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was seen as a potentially strong candidate. Other names included the Vietnamese Buddhist monk and democracy advocate Thich Quang Do.

Mr. Obama's win includes a cash award equal to $1.4 million. The White House said he plans to give the money to charity.