
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Former Muslim Rifqa Bary Faces Death!

By Andrea Lafferty

Rifqa Bary is the 17-year-old girl who fled from Ohio to Florida earlier this year to escape being killed by her Muslim father. What was Bary's crime? She converted to Christianity several years ago and kept her faith hidden from her Muslim parents.

In Islam, converting to another religion is a capital offense punishable by death. Rifqa sought refuge in Florida at the home of a Christian pastor and his wife.

Tragically, a Florida court ruled that Rifqa had to be returned to Ohio and put into protective care until she reached the age of 18. However, once she was in Ohio, all deals were off.

An Ohio judge agreed with Rifqa's parents and her father's Muslim attorney to put the girl into solitary confinement. She will have her phone calls monitored and her internet use monitored as well. Her parents have been working with attorneys with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization with ties to Islamic extremist groups.

Bary's father, Mohamed, has denied threatening to kill his daughter, but part of Islamic theology is lying to infidels. It is called "taqqiya." This doctrine teaches Muslims to practice deception, fraud and double standards in defending Islam from infidels.

Bary's parents are also in the U.S. illegally from Sri Lanka. In addition, Rifqa Bary's parents attend the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, a hotbed of terrorist-related activities.

I fear that Bary's parents will ship Rifqa off to a mental asylum in Sri Lanka where she will be browbeaten into denouncing Christianity. If this fails, she can be legally killed for apostacy. Or, her father may simply murder her in an Islam-sanctioned "honor killing."

Rifqa Bary is facing a death penalty – thanks to courts in Florida and in Ohio.

Several groups are planning a rally for Rifqa Bary in Columbus, Ohio on November 16, the date of Rifqa's next hearing. The rally is being sponsored by Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch, Dr. Andrew Bostom and Former Muslims United. It will be held at the Franklin County Courthouse, 373 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

If you live in the Columbus area, plan on attending this important rally to defend Rifqa's civil rights and religious freedom! Check Pam Geller's Atlas Shrugs blog for updated information.

Rifqa Bary's civil rights, religious freedom and her life are being threatened by her extremist Muslim parents. Let's support her and pray for her safety!