
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Whys On Obama's Health Care

Oscar Y. Harward

What is so evil with our Liberal Democrats in the White House and on Capitol Hill? Why does President Obama, and the majority Democrats on Capitol Hill, continue to force their proposed Health Care plan down our throats; a system that they themselves, escape? Why do this majority Liberal Democrats insist on a government run and operated health care system? Why does President Obama, and these Liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill, force any Health Care system on the American public? All political polls are now saying NO to the majority Liberal Democrats concerning any currently proposed Health Care plan. Why does President Obama, and the majority Democrats on Capitol Hill, reject a Health Care plan themselves, which they are attempting to force Americans into? Why does this President Obama in the White House, and this majority Liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill, refuse to put their own money into the same Health Care system; a plan which these same majority Liberal Democrats are attempting to compel you and I into?

Why do this majority Liberal Democrats insist on providing a taxpayers’ funded Health Care system to illegal immigrants, when the facts support the issue that illegal immigrants are stealing Americans’ identifications by illegal fraud using others’ Social Security card, a Driver Operator License, and/or any other fraudulent documents as official? Why reward illegal immigrants after their thefts from American taxpayers? Americans overwhelmingly support legal immigration, but Americans overwhelmingly say NO to illegal immigration.

There are needs for changes in our Health Care system. Please, let us start with tort reform. Americans overwhelmingly support tort reform. Why does President Obama and the majority Liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill reject permitting tort reform legislation?  In each and every state which has approved tort reform, Health Care cost has been reduced. Why does President Obama, and the Liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill, fail to support tort reform?

Americans, and specifically the taxpayers, are seeking answers to these questions. Are you Mr. President, and the majority Democrats on Capitol Hill, listening? Are any of you better than any of us? Humble yourselves! Do what is more representative for the people. Do what is right.