Saturday, August 28, 2010

Running the Good Race

by Miki Booth

Edit Note:  The following is a personal reflection by a critic turned Republican candidate for Oklahoma’s 2nd Congressional District.  Battered from pillar-to-post by Leftists critics and having withdrawn from that race before the primary; today Miki Booth is departing by bus to reach the “Restoring Honor” event Saturday in Washington – her effort for love of country continues.

“Some call her the homely Sarah Palin or the wild woman of Wyandotte, but Miki Booth hopes she’ll soon be called Congresswoman as she wants to pony up to DC via Oklahoma’s District 2, while embarrassing the state on a larger stage.”

This is the type of hateful rhetoric I expected when I threw my hat into the political ring.  I was prepared for a whole lot worse since I had already become a controversial figure on the national stage by asking, “Where’s the birth certificate?”

I didn’t just question Obama’s eligibility to be president, I held up my husband’s and son’s birth certificates from Kapi‵olani hospital on C-SPAN to prove by comparison that the internet copy of Obama’s Certification of Live Birth was a fraud.  My appearance and speech in Nashville at the National TEA Party Convention in February garnered overwhelming support for my candidacy.  People want someone in congress to champion an investigation into Obama’s hidden records (from birth through college to campaign donations).

In January of this year I crossed the threshold of $5,000 in donations and/or expenses and went from “testing the waters” to officially filing for candidacy for Oklahoma’s 2nd District of the U.S. House of Representatives.  I did withdraw from the race prior to the primary in order to endorse and support Dr. Charles Thompson, but I will always hold the title of “former candidate for U.S. House of Representatives” whether I run again or not.

“Why did you run?”
“Was it worth it?”
“How did you do it?”
“How long have you been in politics?”
“Would you ever run again?”

These are some of the questions I’m still asked on almost a daily basis.  The answers to why is far more complicated than the physical act of becoming an actual candidate.  You can find most everything you need to know for filing candidacy on the Federal Election Commission website, or contacting your party’s state officials for guidance.  Of course I did things the hard way as an Independent having had it with both parties and most recently changed from Republican to no affiliation.  And before I was a Republican I was a Democrat, again for complicated reasons and then back again to the Republican Party where I am today.

The guide on the website answered all the question I had and so I basically got to work assembling a team of friends and supporters, those who asked or encouraged me to run and from there they put together a committee to elect me and filed the “Statement of Organization” (FEC Form 1) and shortly thereafter I filed the other necessary form, “Statement of Candidacy” (FEC Form 2) – all that’s easy enough.  Very shortly the information appeared on the website and tracking my opponents became a daily task.

The most important thing about running for public office is money.  Not only do you need a lot of it, you need to keep close track of where it goes which is why so much emphasis is put on the treasurer and record keeping.  We hired a CPA for impeccable financial records and would do so again.

I didn’t read the guide cover-to-cover, but a lot of what it contains has to do with ethics.  I think that’s why we see so much corruption in Washington.  The career politicians have long forgotten the rules they’re supposed to abide by and made up their own on their way up.  They’ve also forgotten the oath they pledged to support and defend the Constitution.  Forgotten?  How can that be?  They take the oath at the start of each new Congress - the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate.

The current oath was enacted in 1884:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Take for example Charlie Rangle in his 20th term.  Forty years in congress pledging his loyalty to the Constitution twenty times in front of a public audience yet arguably the most unethical congressman in D.C. and systematically shredding the Constitution and the protection it affords us against a tyrannical government.

Closer to home, Dan Boren has taken the oath three times yet he voted 98% of the time with his party including all the bailouts and spending bills.  He has the distinction of receiving the most money from oil company donations.  He hasn’t been a representative for the average resident of District 2.  Many of us have a collection of matching form letters if we were lucky enough to receive any kind of response from him at all on any question we asked him.

Early on in my campaign I wrote a letter to Rep. Boren challenging him to a debate and to a marksmanship contest.  Dan Boren is on the board of NRA and although he’s a proponent of the 2nd Amendment for hunting and sport he doesn’t talk about it in the context of the Constitution which many of us believe is our last defense against a tyrannical government; a government of cram down legislation, auto company takeovers, bank bailouts and anti-business agendas led by Dan Boren’s party.

The Constitution clearly gives federal government 18 enumerated powers and that which it does not, are reserved to the States or to the people. As the 10th Amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Campaigning for office is all consuming and I was torn between going to Washington to fight or continue my fight here at home championing FairTax and GOOOH, the plan to replace all 435 members of congress with individuals like myself who believe money and influence should be taken out of the equation to run for office.  Without GOOOH an Independent candidate like me would stand no chance and split the conservative vote.  When it didn’t appear the GOOOH plan would reach the number of participants for implementation in 2010, I changed party and ran as Republican by changing party affiliation on the statement of candidacy (FEC Form 2).

Preparing a business/action plan is the key to success for any endeavor and, as a career businesswoman and former sales director, I began work on just such a plan.  I planned my work and had every intention of working my plan but it seemed like every day, every single day, Obama, his administration or Congress pulled a shenanigan that infringed on our freedom and liberty and I just could not sit still or shut up.

I never wanted to have anything to do with politics. When I was a little girl I looked up the word and the definition that stuck with me was “shrewd.”  I’d always heard and believed you just vote for the less crooked politician and Hawaii had a slew of them influenced by unions and, yes, organized crime.  Half the time I never even voted.

But in 2008, here I was retired in Oklahoma screaming at the TV like so many Americans, angry, frustrated and paying attention to politics for the first time in our lives.  I joined the ranks of TEA party leaders.  My political activism grew and I attended every freedom rally I was able.  Soon I was invited to speak throughout Oklahoma and the three states that adjoin District 2.  The subject that most people wanted to know about is the matter of eligibility and I have the proof that Obama is not only an illegitimate president he is an illegal alien.

Running for office interfered with my efforts to expose Obama and his corrupt administration so I made the decision to bow out and support the candidate I felt would have the best chance of defeating Boren.  I endorsed Charles Thompson, a constitutional conservative, retired military major, small business owner and veterinarian.  We’ve had the opportunity to debate all the candidates and Dr. Thompson far and away is the best person to represent Oklahomans in congress.

I’m back to my role as a vocal critic of Barack Hussein Obama and his team of czars, socialists, communists, tax cheats, crooks, cronies and union thugs - now exposing his Muslim upbringing and Arab/Islamic ties that have infiltrated every aspect of American life.

Lately it seems the Obama facade is beginning to crumble.  It was only a matter of time before their programmed response to the question of eligibility (laugh and move on) would no longer be acceptable.  Would I run in 2012 if Charles Thompson isn’t able to defeat Boren in November?  Yes, in a heartbeat.

I will always appreciate every supporter, every group that provided an opportunity to speak, and to the founding principles of the United States of America for which I am proud to stand.

Miki Booth

Chris Matthews' 'Nightmare': 'Right-wing Boys and Girls Singing Praise for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin'

By Noel Sheppard

The hatred for Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Americans that don't agree with the current direction of this nation was dripping from Chris Matthews' lips Friday evening.

In a show filled with falsehoods and anti-Conservative rants that should even embarrass folks at MSNBC, the "Hardball" host concluded by once again attacking one of the most popular radio and television personalities in the country along with the former governor of Alaska.

Of the "Restoring Honor" rally to be held in Washington, D.C., Saturday, Matthews asked, "Can we imagine if [Martin Luther] King were physically here tomorrow, today, were he to reappear tomorrow on the very steps of the Lincoln Memorial?"

The MSNBCer disgustingly answered his own question, "I have a nightmare that one day a right-wing talk show host will come to this spot, his people`s lips dripping with the words 'interposition' and 'nullification.'"

Matthews continued practically seething venom, "Little right-wing boys and little right-wing girls joining hands and singing their praise for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. I have a nightmare" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Let me finish tonight with those few lines from the Martin Luther King speech of 1963.


MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., CIVIL RIGHTS ICON: But not only that, let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!


MATTHEWS: Dr. King was talking about the founding place of the KKK, Stone Mountain. The site of the Scottsboro Boys trial -- Lookout Mountain.

This was 1963, never forget. The civil rights bill was a year away. Lunch counters and gas station restrooms were still for whites only, so were hotels and restaurants throughout the South. I remember myself seeing those white-only signs along the highway heading south during a spring break. I remember seeing one still there when I went to rural Louisiana to train for the Peace Corps.

There was a hard divide in this country back then. On one side stood the people who believed in the power of the federal government to do the right thing, especially when state governments, local governments and local businesses persisted in doing the wrong thing or doing nothing.

It was the time when governors like Ross Barnett of Mississippi and George Wallace of Alabama stood up to keep their universities white only.

A time when people used terms like "nullification" and "interposition," who claimed the right to obstruct the federal government, to act even when Congress passed a law.

Today, we hear the echoes of those voices, people calling for nullification. Even secession gets a call from those who just don`t like the federal government and certainly don`t like the man leading it.

Tomorrow, those who thrill to such words are heading here to Washington. They`re heading directly to the Lincoln Memorial, site of the Martin Luther King speech. The main speaker is the man who said this about this country`s first African-American president.


GLENN BECK, FOX NEWS HOST: This guy is, I believe, a racist. Look at the way -- look at -- look at the things that he has been surrounded by.


MATTHEWS: That is the man who comes to Lincoln`s feet to claim the mantle of Martin Luther King.

Can we imagine if King were physically here tomorrow, today, were he to reappear tomorrow on the very steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

I have a nightmare that one day a right wing talk show host will come to this spot, his people`s lips dripping with the words "interposition" and "nullification." Little right wing boys and little right wing girls joining hands and singing their praise for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. I have a nightmare.

Many talked today about a religious center near Ground Zero being a desecration. What do you call this?
Actually, the real desecration is what Matthews and his co-conspirators at MSNBC are doing to journalism.

Offering opinions about political figures and competitors on rival networks is one thing, but this constant invective aimed at Republicans and Fox News personalities coming from Matthews and virtually all the on air talent at MSNBC is getting totally out of control.

What Matthews did Friday evening isn't much different than what NewsBusters reported is now regularly being spewed by liberal radio talk show hosts.

Does MSNBC really want its programming to be at the same level as the hatred being uttered by the likes of Mike Malloy, Stephanie Miller, Randi Rhodes, Ron Reagan, Jr., and Montel Williams?

As Ed Schultz is now a part of MSNBC's prime time lineup, and is a regular emitter of some of the most vile rhetoric on the radio today, maybe the answer is "Yes."

Journalism be damned, I guess.


Glenn Beck Rally Picture Guaranteed to Drive Media Crazy

This picture of the crowd that attended Saturday's "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, D.C., is guaranteed to drive liberal media members crazy :

More rally shots available at our dear friends The Right Scoop.

CNN has some good shots here and here.

Our buddy Cubachi also has some great pictures and videos of the event here.

Video and text of Sarah Palin's remarks here.

Great slideshow by our friends at Townhall.

Really fabulous pictures from the BBC

Report: ABC News Admits Wrongdoing at Ground Zero Mosque Rally After Big Peace Expose’

Andrea Lafferty appeared on the Janet Mefferd Show when she learned about ABC News' official statement admitting that their free-lance employee was guilty of wrongdoing at last Sunday's Ground Zero Mosque demonstration. See Related...


Klavan on the Culture: Does Islam Suck?

Andrew Klavan

Whenever I am told I must be tolerant of other people’s religion, I always wonder, well, which tenet of their religion do you mean? A religion, after all, is a system of beliefs and to say that all beliefs are equally worthy of tolerance is to say, essentially, that ideas don’t matter at all. It’s nonsense of the purest ray serene.

For instance, I always try not to burn or behead those who hold different views on transubstantiation than I do – though there are days when it’s difficult, believe you me. But if, like those Westboro Baptist clowns, you turn up at a US soldiers’ funeral claiming he deserved to die because America tolerates homosexuality and “God hates fags,” then you have been un-friended by me, brother. Because your beliefs suck.

So with a group of Muslims cruelly and despicably determined to raise a triumphalist mosque near the site of the Islamist atrocities of 9/11 in New York, the question naturally occurs: Does Islam suck?

Fortunately PJTV ’s lovable Klavan on the Culture is here to examine the question. Well, I think he’s lovable!

Infidel Justin Folk did the backgrounds.

Fringe Group? National Mall Jammed For Beck Rally; Estimates From 300-500 Thousand

Home video from a member of the crowd in the middle of the National Mall shows the scope of the throng from an on-the-ground perspective.


Ground Zero Muslim center may get public financing

(Reuters) - The Muslim center planned near the site of the World Trade Center attack could qualify for tax-free financing, a spokesman for City Comptroller John Liu said on Friday, and Liu is willing to consider approving the public subsidy.

The Democratic comptroller's spokesman, Scott Sieber, said Liu supported the project. The center has sparked an intense debate over U.S. religious freedoms and the sanctity of the Trade Center site, where nearly 3,000 perished in the September 11, 2001 attack.

"If it turns out to be financially feasible and if they can demonstrate an ability to pay off the bonds and comply with the laws concerning tax-exempt financing, we'd certainly consider it," Sieber told Reuters.

Spokesmen for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governor David Paterson and the Islamic center and were not immediately available.

The proposed center, two blocks from the Trade Center site in lower Manhattan, has caused a split between people who lost relatives and friends in the attack, as well as conservative politicians, and those who support the project. Among those who support it are the mayor, civic and religious groups, and some families of victims.

The mosque's backers hope to raise a total of $70 million in tax-exempt debt to build the center, according to the New York Times. Tax laws allow such funding for religiously affiliated non-profits if they can prove the facility will benefit the general public and their religious activities are funded separately.

The bonds could be issued through a local development corporation created for this purpose, experts said.

The Islamic center would have to repay the bonds, which likely would be less expensive than taxable debt.

New York City's Industrial Development Authority could not issue debt for the center because the state civic facilities law, which governed this type of financing for non-profits, was allowed to expire about two years ago.

Stop the Mosque

Gary Bray

He who does not LOVE me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. John 14:24

How humorous is it the liberals want to promote their atheistic tolerance to a group of radical Mooselips who would love to slit their throats. Whether America wants to admit it or not the Ground Zero Mosque is the front line of the Spiritual war we are fighting. The Death cult has no problem fighting this holy war in the open while liberals attempt to use their old tired tolerance arguments which have nothing to do w/this battle. This is an evil satanic cult wanting to plant its church at the capital of western civilization and instill Sharia law in America. They understand America is the last fortress for Christianity and if they can defeat it here the battle is over worldwide.

We are again hearing the apologists explain how we should surrender to Islam to make them like us when that strategy has only led to dead bodies and raped women and children. We keep hearing about all those mythical moderate Mooselimbs who want to embrace western civilization if only we would give them a chance. In reality a moderate Moose only wants to kill Christians and Jews while radical Islam wants to kill Moderate Muslims. Rather than discussing how tolerant liberals are of every religion except Christianity and Judaism how bout they explain why 400 Christians a day are killed by Islam and that doesn’t include the other infidels they murder, torture and gang rape in the name of allah.

This is a truly evil religion what is built on a hatred of every other religion but theirs. They believe if you will not convert by the word you will convert by a knife at your throat. If you still won’t convert the knife will penetrate your throat. These monsters have killed and conquered other religions since the 4th century when Mohamhead was worried the Christians were taking over the ME countries. He invented a cult that combined a worship of the moon and the earth through his family rock which is worshipped at the Dome of the Rock. The Koran teaches its followers to conquer and kill everyone who doesn’t believe allah is God. Every move you make as a follower is to further the conquest of islam and that is exactly what they are doing at Ground Zero, conquering America the last Christian Country. We as Christians have to fight this on spiritual grounds. These cultists want to destroy us and America, which is their religious goal. They will not quit until the entire world is conquered and living under Sharia law. This cult is a combination of a religion and a political institution which has no problem weaving the religion w/the politics like they do in Iran. There the Mullah Woolahs are the spiritual leaders in the Country while the politicians form a communist dictatorship. This of course is the model of all Islam as well as Black Liberation Theology which Buick Insane Obozo was a devout follower. So ready or not we have a full blown spiritual war being fought in NYC against the Christians and Jews.

Everybody supporting this from the Moosie organizers and the atheistic liberals, need to explain why everywhere it exists and is established Jews and Christians are raped and murdered in the name of allah. Why in the world would we want to encourage that in the heart of NYC as well as the symbolism of this edifice going up before the rebuilding of the WTC? These cultists are extremely aware of what this would mean to the Mooselip world as well as to America and are going full speed ahead. They will say whatever it takes to make this happen to promote their cult. It needs to be defeated and destroyed like it was in the Old Testament since it is nothing more than the same worship of Baal. This is the same evil Jews have been fighting since creation. This is the war between God and Satan.

This has nothing to do w/Freedom of Religion as it does w/the encroachment of a dangerous cult in the heart of America. We are going to fight a cult that is absolutely intolerant of every other religion on the planet. Their primary enemies are Christians and Jews although they will kill and rape any other infidel who doesn’t bow to their gods. We are looking at a much larger battle than a small piece of sacred ground we are fighting against a giant symbol for these conquerors. We will see an intolerance of our lifestyle and mixing of religions we have seen in America as we go back to their 4th century worship and tactics. We see their attacks throughout Western Europe and every other Country they have invaded. They understand the way they can manipulate the libs is to say Christians are being intolerant so libs can demonstrate their sanctimonious tolerance.

So once again we can witness the pure hypocrisy of the extreme left. They will pretend this is about tolerating a religion when both are completely intolerant of Christians. We have seen it over and over when you attempt to bring Christian holidays or the 10 Commandments into the schools. They bend over backwards trying to insult and isolate Christians while promoting atheism and every other new age religion or cult. We see their intolerance to anybody who disagrees w/them although they reach a new level when it’s Christians or Jews in Israel. The liberal mind has to feel socially morally superior and tolerance is one of the primary ways of exhibiting it. Now we have them trying to argue another spiritual war from a political standpoint. Liberals have no idea who they are dealing with or what motivates Islam. They are trying to feed a hungry bear hoping they don’t get ate when we all know how it will turn out. We know how tolerance turned out for the Ft Hood soldiers and we know how it would turn out in Manhattan.

No, we don’t have to tolerate an evil religion that wants to build a monument to the destruction of the WTC. If they want to use America’s freedoms to make a statement about tolerance perhaps they can build a Jewish Synagogue in Mecca first or even condemn the burning of churches and houses of worship around the world. Perhaps they can state their outrage of the killing of innocents or gang raping of Christians everywhere they are. How about they explain the stoning of girls for the crime of being raped? They going to bring that to NYC? They could start w/their statement of what they think of the Islamic attack on the WTC or Ft Hood as well as other carefully planned attacks from radical imams in the US. No we are in a spiritual war w/Satan who guides Islam and its leaders, we need to pray and stand up to this attack on our land. We know the answer to all of their questions of their tolerance since our soldiers had to leave their crosses at home when fighting in Iraq; we need to offer them the same. This is America, one nation under God, the one true God of Creation and so it will stay.

Pray for America

The Truth about Obama’s Muslim “Faith”

By Selwyn Duke

Now that Barack Obama has decided to be for the Ground Zero mosque before being implicitly against it (perhaps), discussion about his faith has once again reached a fever pitch. To many, his stance proves he’s a Muslim, with a recent poll showing that almost 20 percent of Americans hold that opinion; to others, it just reflects a desire to be faithful to the Constitution (now, that would be change). The truth, however, is a bit more nuanced. Obama is not religiously Muslim. Culturally, though . . . well, that’s a different matter altogether.

In reality, calling Obama a “Muslim” gives him too much credit. As G.K. Chesterton once said, “We call a man a bigot or a slave of dogma because he is a thinker who has thought thoroughly and to a definite end.” The truth, however, is that few people have thought thoroughly and to a definite end. And Obama is no exception. He hasn’t even thought matters through enough to understand the folly of statism. Even more to the point, he is a moral relativist, a position the antithesis of any absolutist faith. Inherent in Islam is that belief that Allah, not man, has authored right and wrong and that, consequently, it isn’t a matter of opinion. Thus, Obama cannot truly believe in Islam — or in Christianity or Judaism, for that matter (he could perhaps be a Buddhist, but Buddhism isn’t truly a faith but a way of life).

Oh, and since some will ask, how do I know Obama is a relativist? It’s simple: Virtually all leftists are, as the denial of moral reality that is relativism lies at the heart of liberalism.

Speaking of relativists, this matter of Obama’s “faith” much reminds me of Adolf Hitler and paganism. Like Obama, Hitler sometimes feigned a belief in Christianity, but in reality he held the religion in contempt. He believed it was “the greatest trick the Jews ever played on Western civilization” and lamented that it was not a warrior creed like Islam or the ancient Germanic paganism with which the Nazis wanted to replace Christianity (I wrote about this here). Yet, while Hitler’s second in command, Heinrich Himmler, certainly believed in the ancient pagan myths — going so far as to launch expeditions to the Far East to prove them, à la Raiders of the Lost Ark — it’s silly to think that the leader himself viewed them as anything but a utilitarian device. He wasn’t quite that romantic.

But what about culturally? For sure, Hitler preferred seeing Swastikas and runes (respectively, pagan symbols and letters) to crosses and crèches, rebuilt Germanic pagan temples to churches. That was where his passions lay. (If some are upset at a comparison between Hitler and Obama, know that I’d never call the president a National Socialist. He’s an international socialist. Also, Hitler was patriotic.)

Obama also has passions, and there is no question as to where they lie. As journalist Todd Fitchette wrote in “The un-faith of Obama”:

he continues to openly praise Islam; he bows to Muslim leaders; he claims that the Muslim call to prayer is “the most beautiful sound in the world;” he regularly quotes from the Koran and cites it for directing his life . . . .

In the past year alone he made a big deal out of hosting a celebratory dinner to open the month of Ramadan — held in the state dining room; he refused to attend the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts (an avowed Christian organization), and, refused to attend the National Day of Prayer because he claimed to do so would be offensive to non-Christians.
Then there is that king of Freudian slips, when Obama matter-of-factly said to interviewer George Stephanopoulos, “You’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith,” and didn’t seem headed for a correction until Stephanopoulos interjected. (Note: This doesn’t contradict my assertion that Obama has no real faith. Nancy Pelosi has spoken of her Catholic faith, but, also being a relativist, it can be nothing more than part of her cultural tapestry.)

And are Obama’s passions surprising? He spent some of his formative years in the world’s most populous Muslim country, Indonesia, where he was registered as a Muslim in both schools he attended and sometimes prayed on Fridays in a mosque. Moreover, there is another factor, one most people don’t consider.

As many know, there once was a great boxer named Cassius Clay. He converted to Islam in 1964, seemingly bothered that Jesus was portrayed as “a white with blond hair and blue eyes,” as he put it, and took the name “Muhammad Ali.” Of course, the irony of this is that, despite being intensely aware of his slave roots, he rejected the name of an abolitionist (Clay) and took the name of a slave owner (Muhammad). It also perhaps eluded him that Christians were the first ones to outlaw slavery while Muslims give black Africans rope and chains to this day.

But I mention this because Ali’s path is a common one in the black community; it is why we’ve long had the Black Muslims and why Islamic names are so common among American blacks. Many blacks have bought the bill of goods that Christianity is the white man’s religion, the faith of oppressors. And they embrace Islam as part of a rejection of “white” society.

Obviously, being part of this milieu could only have reinforced Obama’s affinity for things Muslim and antipathy for things authentically Christian — of which Western Civilization is one. And if Americans hadn’t been brainwashed with political correctness, they would have understood this. With foreign and domestic Muslim influence, attendance at a Black Liberation Theology, pseudo-Christian church and alliances with ex-terrorists and declared communists, Obama perfectly fits the profile of an America hater. The wolf never really wore sheep’s clothing; it’s just that Americans had wool pulled over their eyes.

As for Obama’s eyes, they cannot look heavenward when they’re so busy looking down on little people who “cling to guns and religion.” I sense that Obama is a certain kind of person, one much like Hitler — who wanted to create a new German pagan religion with himself at its center — in a particular sense. This type of person essentially says the following to God, “The Universe just isn’t big enough for the two of us.” And his little world certainly isn’t, filled to all corners as it is with his bloated, power-hungry ego. This, by the way, has been acknowledged by more honest secularists. For example, Friedrich Nietzsche, the 19th-century poster boy for atheism who is rumored to have been a philosopher (in reality, he is someone who helped discredit the field), once said through his version of Zarathustra, “If there were gods, how could I endure it to be no God? Therefore there can be no gods.” I have a feeling that Obama cannot endure it to be no god.

It is, again, unwise to give Obama too much credit. Good faith is defined as “an act of the will informed by the intellect,” and any kind of faith requires submission to something higher than yourself. Obama is neither that intellectual nor that humble. But all humans have passions, and his aren’t hard to discern. He is anti-American, anti-western, anti-Christian (the traditional variety), anti-white and anti-life. He is more comfortable dining with Bill Ayres than the Queen of England, more internationalist than nationalist, and perhaps more at home in Dar al-Islam than Dar al-Harb. He has lived abroad and traveled much, but he is a lover of nations like a Casanova is a lover of women: He has known many but loves, and is faithful to, none — not even the one to which he should be married. He is a cultural traitor, and, as Cicero said about traitors two-thousand years ago, “A murderer is less to be feared.”

To quote Chesterton again, he once said, “There was a time when men weren’t very sure of themselves, but they were very sure of what the truth was. Now men are very sure of themselves but not at all sure of what the truth is.” The latter describes Obama. If he does have faith, it is in himself. And that is a faith terribly misplaced.

Joe Biden’s Continuing Denigration of the Vice Presidency

By John W. Lillpop

Remember back in 2008 when left-wing pundits and naysayers were warning America that Sarah Palin as vice president would result in an intellectual melt down in the White House?

Not bright enough to be in a responsible slot they claimed. America needs more brain power in the candidate that could wind up being president.


Well, perhaps Sarah Palin is not Mensa material, but she is one hell of a lot brighter than Joseph Biden, the gaffe-prone court jester currently making a mockery of the “Exceptional American” theory which holds that we have the best and the brightest in charge of things in America.

Biden’s latest Oops! moment came this morning when the addled VP reportedly said the following:

“Biden conceded that the economic recovery was not proceeding as fast as the administration had hoped, but claimed there was ‘no doubt we're moving in the right direction.’”

This idiotic statement at a time when:

* New home sales slumped to slowest pace on record;

* Foreclosures head toward one million for 2010

* Bankruptcies at five year high

* Job losses continue with unemployment still out of control

* Federal deficit at 13 trillion and growing

This is “moving in the right direction,” Mr. Biden?

Thank goodness we have a mid-term election in which voters can diminish the influence of the Obama-Biden comedy act which, by the way, is not all that funny these days!


Burt Prelutsky

Every so often, one of my readers who has apparently dipped once too often into the cooking sherry wonders why I don’t run for Congress. The short answer is that I don’t want to ever again wear a necktie. I also don’t wish to spend my life going hat-in-hand begging for campaign contributions. Worse yet, what if I actually won the election and then had to listen to Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank mouth off endlessly? Between her nursery school delivery and his lisping, I’m sure I’d soon be popping Excedrin like peanuts.

Instead, I prefer staying home and telling everybody in Washington how to do their jobs better. So, for openers, I would make it a law that every bill would contain only a single item. No more piling on. No more legislation that contains, say, funding for the military with tax dollars for ACORN or an unnecessary bridge or airport named after some partisan hack. As things stand now, every appropriations bill comes loaded with a ton of political pork. When called on it, the weasels in both parties get to say, “Well, I had to support the troops, didn’t I?”

Conservatives who automatically deny that the Arizona immigration law is racially-based are lying. Of course it is, in just the same way that a border wall would be. How can it not be when the millions of people who have snuck into the U.S. are all Hispanics? It makes as much sense to deny that the war on terrorism is directed at Islamics. The problem is that those who favor open borders accuse the rest of us of being racists. That’s the big lie they love to promote. Americans, after all, have no trouble living and working with Hispanics who are here legally.

If the illegals pouring in were Swedes, Germans or Poles, our opposition, which is based on principles and the law, would be the same. The difference is that the very same hypocrites who favor open borders today are the ones who would change their tune overnight if the aliens weren’t Hispanic. The ugly, but unvarnished, truth is that they’re the racists.

Of course the number one racist in America is the fellow who spent 20 years soaking up Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s vicious attacks on white Americans. It’s probably not a coincidence that Barack Obama is also the biggest liar who’s ever sat in the Oval Office. In fact, if his nose grew like Pinocchio’s every time he told a fib, they probably would have had to leave Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd in the wings in order to make room for the presidential shnoz on “The View.”

The latest proof that in looking for a role model, Obama snubbed George Washington and patterned himself, instead, on a used car salesman was his announcement that he was “surprised, disappointed and angry” when Scotland released Lockerbie bomber Abdel al-Magrahi. It seems that Richard LeBaron, Obama’s deputy head of the U.S. embassy in London let Scotland know a week ahead of the event that the U.S. preferred that Magrahi receive compassionate release than that he be locked up in a Libyan prison for what was supposed to be the final few weeks of his life. The only surprise is that apparently the change in climate did wonders for his health, and Magrahi is now expected to live at least another ten years!

The U.S. government had tried to keep LeBaron’s letter secret on the alleged grounds that it would prevent “frank and open communications with other governments.” I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like a married man begging his mistress not to spill the beans, lest it prevent future frank and open communications with his wife!

According to Bedford Fall’s George Bailey, every time a bell rang, an angel got his wings. If it worked the same way with lies, an entire division of angels would owe a debt of eternal gratitude to the prevaricator-in-chief.

World Vision Wins Significant Court Victory!

By TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon

The usually liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco recently came down on the side of religious liberty in a case involving World Vision, the well-respected humanitarian Christian organization.

The case involved three employees of World Vision who were terminated after it was learned they denied the deity of Jesus Christ and rejected the Trinity. All employees signed a statement of faith when hired. The statement affirms the deity of Christ and that He is part of the Trinity, which is Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. (Christian organizations such as World Vision would all do well to have a clear statement of faith for potential employees to sign as a condition for hiring.)

The employees filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against World Vision for wrongful termination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The 9th Circuit's job was to determine if World Vision is a religious corporation, which is exempt from the 1964 law.

Common sense would tell us that it is the right of a Christian ministry to hire individuals who share the faith of the organization. Likewise, a Jewish group should not be expected to hire Christians, Muslims or atheists.

The 9th Circuit Court actually reached the correct conclusion about World Vision.

In its 77-page opinion, the Court ruled that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights protected World Vision from having to hire individuals who fail to share the theological beliefs of the ministry. To force World Vision to hire such individuals "could represent an unwarranted intrusion into the organization's own freedom of religion."

It doesn't happen often, but the 9th Circuit Court got it right this time! One can only wonder how Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan will rule on this case if it reaches the high court.

Read Our Lips: NO NEW AMNESTY!

By John W. Lillpop

To Democrats and RINOs in Congress and President Obama:

We the American people understand that there are those in government who are actually giving serious thought to yet another attempt to grant amnesty to 12-38 million illegal aliens who have invaded the sovereign nation known as the United States.

With all due respect to pro-amnesty advocates, what Part of NO NEW AMNESTY do you not understand?

For the benefit of slow learners and those in denial, let us reiterate why the majority of Americans everywhere, from all political persuasions, are against amnesty for the criminals who have invaded America:

In short,the people are:

FED UP with plans to merge the United States into a North American alliance with Canada and Mexico. Such a plan would destroy American sovereignty and is totally unacceptable.

with the refusal of the federal government to secure our borders at time of war.

FED UP when armed Mexicans illegally cross our borders and assault Americans, yet our government takes no action, and refuses to even protest.

FED UP with the fact that upwards of 38 million illegal aliens are currently in America, which costs taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

FED UP with a president who orders young Americans into harm's way thousands of miles from home, but who refuses to secure America.

FED UP with politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws and who claim it is "impossible" to deport criminals here illegally.
FED UP with those who would grant amnesty to invading criminals at a time when 15 million Americans are out of work and the U.S. economy is in a double-dip recession or worse.

FED UP with illegal aliens who can not and/or will not speak English.

FED UP with taxpayer dollars being wasted to print documents in foreign languages.

with illegal aliens who dump their medical bills on the backs of U.S. taxpayers, but who send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico each year.

FED UP with the fact that providing free medical services to illegal aliens drives hospitals out of business, making those facilities unavailable to American citizens for whom the medical centers were intended.

FED UP with our schools being invaded by non-English speaking children who impede the learning process of students who genuinely belong here.

FED UP with the fact that federal, state, and local penal systems are overrun by illegal aliens, again costing taxpayers billions each year.

FED UP with the fact that, on average, illegal aliens kill 12 Americans every day.

FED UP with the fact that the overwhelming majority of felony crimes being investigated in Los Angeles have been committed by illegals from Mexico.

with politicians who refuse to round up and deport millions of illegal aliens who are destroying American culture and language.

FED UP with politicians who pamper illegal aliens with driver's licenses and free public services, which encourage even more invaders to come to America.

FED UP with the attempted Mexicanization of America. Mexico is a third- world slum, and we are FED UP with those who want America to be like Mexico!

Finally, Mr. President and members of the U.S. Congress, we are FED UP with those who consistently work on behalf of illegal aliens and the state of Mexico, and against the interests of the American people!

Please do not underestimate the dissatisfaction and rage swelling in the hearts of patriotic Americans on this vital issue.

We DEMAND our great country back!

Read Our Lips: NO NEW AMNESTY!

Ladies Baby Doll (Fitted) shirt

Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world

While millions of Americans struggle to keep their homes and jobs, President Barack Obama can't give your tax dollars away fast enough.

According to the Associated Press, theObama administration will give away nearly $6 million of American tax dollarsto restore 63 historic and cultural sites, including Islamic mosques and minarets, in 55 nations. See the State Department document here.

This is an outrage! Our country is broke. And can you imagine what the ACLU and others on the secular left would say if these monies had been spent to repair Christian churches? They would be screaming "separation of church and state!" Funding Islam on foreign soil with American taxpayer money? Not a whimper.

The latest taxpayer givaway includes $76,000 for a 16th century mosque in China, $67,000 for a mosque in Pakistan, $77,000 to restore minarets in Nigeria and Mauritania, and $50,000 for an Islamic Monument in India.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the U.S. program to restore Islamic and other cultural sites in other countries is taxpayer money well spent.

Obama’s New Mandate: CHANGE It Back!

By John W. Lillpop

As the American Dream is systematically destroyed by Barack Obama, a Marxist community organizer with no practical experience except for seizing and wasting other people’s wealth, a counterforce of revolution is growing more and more powerful by the day.

That force is determined to counter the anti-free trade policies of the arrogant egomaniac who is occupying the White House.

The anti-Obama counter force counts includes Americans from all racial, socio-economic, and ideological persuasions. The common bond is a passion for self-determination and less government.

This new majority has embraced a three-word slogan that tells it like it is in our Obama-plagued nation:

The new mandate: CHANGE it back!

And let it be so.

We Need A Revolution, Not A Movement

by Chuck Baldwin

The elections of 2008 (and the early elections of 2010) produced two significant phenomena: the "Ron Paul Revolution," and the "Tea Party Movement." And, mark it down: both of them will have profound effects upon the upcoming November elections--and upon the 2012 elections as well. Call them what you want, however, America doesn't need another movement; it needs a genuine revolution.

The Tea Party movement, while still a force with which to be contended, has already been diluted and compromised. The primary elections plainly reveal the reality of this fact. The high spots so far are the defeats of Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Bob Bennett in Utah. The low spots so far are the reelection of John McCain in Arizona and the election of Dan Coats in Indiana.

John McCain's election, in particular, demonstrates how many conservatives and "revolutionaries" still don't get it. If any State in the union should have an up-close-and-personal look at what we are up against, it would be the people of Arizona. After all, they are on the front lines in the fight of one of the most important battles currently being waged in our country: illegal immigration. And John McCain is one of the worst offenders in terms of facilitating and encouraging this illegal invasion. Yet the people of Arizona reelected McCain to the US Senate. (It would interesting to know how many illegal aliens voted for McCain, would it not?)

Then again, John McCain received the enthusiastic endorsement of former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin. This endorsement obviously brought McCain thousands of Tea Party votes that otherwise would have gone to his principal opponent, J.D. Hayworth. McCain is not the only Big-Government globalist neocon to receive Palin's endorsement. Many of Palin's endorsees are neocons; which leads to one of the biggest problems with any so-called conservative movement: allowing celebrity-type "conservatives" to become the de facto leaders and spokesmen for what should be a true grassroots, people-generated rebellion. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are the two biggest culprits in this regard.

Mark my words: Palin and Beck may see themselves as part of a conservative "movement," but they want nothing to do with an old-fashioned, honest-to-God, Patrick Henry-style revolution. In fact, they are doing everything in their power to keep such a revolution from taking place.

This does not mean that Palin and Beck do not contribute some good things to freedom's fight. They do. The problem is, for every good thing they contribute they counterbalance it by supporting establishment principals, such as John McCain and Newt Gingrich, and attacking non-establishment players and ideas, which serves only to keep the Big-Government power structure firmly ensconced in Washington, D.C.

Get real, folks, and start thinking for yourselves. Ask yourself why Fox News never (or hardly ever) invites non-establishment patriots to appear on their network. Why do you not see former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts on Fox News? Why do you not see former Georgia congressman and Presidential candidate Bob Barr on Fox News? Why do you not see former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura on Fox News? Why do you not see former Director of the US Office of Economic Opportunity and Presidential candidate Howard Phillips on Fox News? Why do you not see Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin on Fox News? The list is endless.

Fox News is not "fair and balanced." It is as controlled and manipulated as any other media news network. The only thing it balances is the other networks' infatuation with the Democrat Party, by promoting Republican candidates and ideas. What it does not do is educate and inform the American people with the truth as to what both major parties are doing to destroy our country. But remember, Fox News is owned by Keith Rupert Murdoch, the same man who helped finance Hillary Clinton's campaign for the US Senate, and who is as much of a globalist as anyone in Washington, D.C., or New York City.

As an aside, and speaking of Hillary Rodham, I predict that she will replace Vice President Joe Biden BEFORE the 2012 elections. I've said that in private for many weeks, and now say it in this column--remember, you heard it here. The Clinton-Bush Crime Syndicate (CBCS) needs Hillary in the White House badly, and Obama has readily accepted a subservient role in the criminal affairs of CBCS (for very profitable reasons, no doubt). And with the CBCS bosses pretty much running things at the White House (they don't worry about domestic or social issues, providing that these do not interfere with their international criminal activities), is it any wonder that Obama has already taken more vacations than most Presidents take during an entire term?

And it is the influence of globalists and neocons upon national and international politics that the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck simply do not get--or do not want to get. And because many Tea Partiers are so enamored with these two (and allow them to do much of their thinking for them), they remain clueless as well.

Ladies and gentlemen, America is in the throes of socialist and Marxist political upheaval. The curtain could fall at any time. The American people need to wake up to this truism: a "conservative" movement--even a conservative Tea Party movement--will not save us.

The only thing that will save us is an old-fashioned State revolt.

Arizona had the opportunity to become a modern-day version of 1775 Massachusetts. But Arizona has probably forfeited that leadership role by 1) reelecting John McCain, and 2) being willing to allow federal courts to dictate law to a sovereign State. Instead of taking its case to the federal courts, Arizona should simply tell the federal government that it will enforce its own State laws (including the newly enacted anti-illegal immigration law) regardless of what any federal court says or doesn't say. At some point, that is exactly what some State (or group of states) in this union is going to have to do, or liberty will be forever lost.

As long as freedom lovers are content to remain satisfied with the status quo by allowing party politics and media celebrities to dominate their efforts, there will be no stopping this socialist avalanche that is crashing down upon us. The Tea Party movement of 2010 (if left free of Big-Government neocons) could certainly translate into positive developments this November; that is for sure.
A revival of the "Ron Paul Revolution" in 2012 could also make a significant contribution, but it is going to take a State revolution to seal the deal. I, for one, am ready.


When Obama became General of the military, not unlike Hitler, and Dictator of the USA , he opened the floodgates to defeat; not only for this country but for his extreme minded Progressive Party as well.

He has taken charge of our good sense and turned it into a mish-mash of incoherence and radical extremism that of which aligns itself with Muslim-Islamic fanaticism, or to be kind: extremism.

It is a matter of time, after the troops finally pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan when Iran makes its further advances into and within these vulnerable and incompetent and corrupt countries.

Iran, along with Russia; China; North Korea; and even France. France and Russian Alliance goes back to pre-WW1. The French have always sought out a big brother for its own survival. Both of them, feeling comfort in their symbiotic relationship are helping to collapse any hope for peace in the Middle-East.

While International maneuvers are taking place, the chess game is being neglected by Obama's humble obedience; irrational-philosophical extremism and self- adornment.

While the athletic Obama and his vacationing family, traveling abroad ,and swimming in hostile waters; blinded by the Sun and relaxing very comfortably on our dime, are insulting the American People. However, despite their their splendor, a new war front is developing close to home--in our home: the brewing MEXICAN-AMERICAN CONFLICT or Border War. This Administration the Mexican Government are both complicit, in that both are aiding and abetting the Mexican invasion of our border states for political gain. The tension is mounting there; enhanced further, by a corrupt Mexican Police Force who is part of the problem. The drug traffickers and the Mexican Police work hand- in-hand, for profit and death. A perfect storm for the vacationers. I almost forgot: the Obamas love storms. They whirl winded the American People and they did not flinch---we did however! And we are going to continue to flinch, on their HAPPY SHIP STORM .

The Obama family better hurry up and spend our money before he leaves office in a couple years, because the next President will have a splendid time, without much time for extravagant vacations due to a malignant economy to eradicate; along with the international mess that will be left behind; not to mention, mending the Constitution and nullifying crazy dictates and mandates; ridding erroneous policies; along with the wackadoo czars and beauracracies. Oh yeah, finally to leave businesses alone: laissez-faire!!!

Obama's legacy will be one that is tattooed in incompetence, cloaked in radical-Progressivism and grandiose vision; blinded by his glowing self love, that helped guide this country into an economic tailspin, while he adorned himself in folly. This era, his legacy, will be long remembered as the' ERA OF THE IRRATIONAL'.

The next President, hopefully, is not a Progressive/radical, one that will help restore fiscal responsibility; Constitutionally limited government, and a free market; as well as LISTENING TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!! and one who will RESTORE OUR LIBERTIES!!!

Hopefully, we will elect a President, and not a dictator, and elect a Congress that will represent us.